Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Myths are pseudoscience theories that are false claims Essay
Legends are pseudoscience hypotheses that are bogus cases - Essay Example Dryden, and Still keep on argueing that pseudoscience is significantly more portrayed by utilization of sources in the incorrect manner, insufficient use of rationale just as perceptions (151). For this situation, accordingly, the clarifications made are neither substantial nor logical, since the ends made are out of suspicions instead of science Popper (3). Allhoff contends that science and realities must depend on realities (4). Corresponding to the fantasies, one would, for this situation contend that legends are bogus cases from the way that the sources that these legends depend on are not trustworthy, yet are basically founded on prattle of the creators. For example, one can't demonstrate that all kids conceived on Fridays are fortunate since there are numerous kids who are exceptionally unfortunate. Legends can likewise be veiled as fallacial since they are basically founded on perceptions that are not tested. Lakatos, Feyerabend and Motterlini (30) and Lakatos (21) show that logical examinations are logical more likely than not tried theories, and results that can be demonstrated and tried. For example, would we be able to demonstrate that every single thin individual are unfortunate as the suspicion goes? It is, in this manner, approved to contend that fantasies, at most occasions don't have coherent and sound contentions. With bogus ends made, clearly a ton of blunders were made while making surmisings. Legitimacy and sound contentions, as per Allhoff, Alspector-Kelly and McGrew are a part of logical technique (515). In crafted by Lakatos, soothsaying can be depicted as pseudoscience structure the way that it isn't reliable as science realities ought to be (26). As a legend, crystal gazing is false. Much the same as the precursors had confidence in fantasies, they didn't concentrate on proof simply like on account of soothsaying. Absence of unquestionable standards precludes these fantasies. Soothsaying as indicated by Lakatos can't be misrepresented since the whole idea doesn't depend on repeatable tests (26). With prophetic cases being expressed adversely, the outcomes would,
Monday, July 13, 2020
Vallandigham, Clement Laird
Vallandigham, Clement Laird Vallandigham, Clement Laird v?lan ´digham?, â€"gam? [key], 1820â€"71, American political leader, leader of the Copperheads in the Civil War, b. New Lisbon (now Lisbon), Ohio. He became (1842) a lawyer, was elected to the Ohio legislature (1845, 1846), and was editor (1847â€"49) of the Dayton Empire, a Democratic weekly. A strong upholder of states' rights, Vallandigham was a U.S. Representative from 1858 to 1863, being defeated for reelection in 1862. On May 1, 1863, in a political speech at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, he declared, among other things, that the Civil War was being fought not to save the Union but to free the blacks and enslave the whites. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside, then commanding the Dept. of the Ohio, accused him of violating General Order No. 38, which threatened punishment for those declaring sympathy for the enemy, and Vallandigham was arrested, court-martialed, and sentenced to imprisonment for the rest of the war. President Lincoln commuted the sentence to banishme nt behind Confederate lines. The Peace Democrats of Ohio nevertheless nominated (July, 1863) Vallandigham for governor, but he was defeated by John Brough . He made his way from the Confederacy to Canada, and from there he returned to the United States and was allowed to go unmolested. In the presidential campaign of 1864, the Democratic platform, representing his views, demanded immediate cessation of hostilities. Made commander of the Sons of Liberty (see Knights of the Golden Circle ), he was the most prominent of the Copperheads. After the war he was an unsuccessful aspirant to Congress. See biography by his brother, J. L. Vallandigham (1872, repr. 1972); study by F. L. Klement (1970). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Problem That Can Be The Most Challenging For Myself Essay
The scenario that can be the most challenging for myself is the one relating to the murder of a 4-year-old child. Personally speaking, it always considers an exasperate situation any case of child abuse or neglect. This scenario does not just tell of abuse or neglect of a child, but a child murder. As a human being, parent and teacher, a murdered of a 4year child is someone I would never want to encounter in my life. When it comes to children, any time someone causes pain to a child, considering that it could happen to my own child. In the case of this 4-year-old child, as a mother and a friend it will be very painful to know that someone close to me went through these circumstances. In the past few years, as a teacher in Haiti, many cases of children being kidnapped, abused and raped occurred in my school. The challenge of witnessing the pain of parents, families’ members, and friends was very difficult to endure. In that moment, as a human, you cannot sleep and wake up with out questioning yourself what a child have caused to deserve such treatment. In that same moment you feel a sense of anger and rage toward the criminal. You think of all kinds of things you will do or say if you have the opportunity to see that person. But as a therapist, I would play the â€Å"opposites, †which is consisted doing my work while considering the profession’s standards of practice. Like any other profession, the occupational therapy profession is rooted, structured and organized around sevenShow MoreRelatedHow Leadership Is Influenced By Training And Education1477 Words  | 6 Pagesvery real possibility. This definition has been shaped over the years by many different people, both inside and outside of the Coast Guard by good and poor leaders. I feel that the one thing that is most important in a leader is their vision. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Low Income And Low Academic Achievement - 1290 Words
Low Income Equals Low Academic Achievement Some may not want to believe that the world revolves around money, but it does. Goals in life cannot be taken anywhere without money. Money is the most important thing when it comes to quality education. The children from low income families academic performance is highly affected. Low income families struggle with educating their children. Income and wealth can affect educational outcomes in a number of ways. Income has a direct impact on the affordability and accessibility of those educational services which charge fees or if transport and other costs are significant.Low-income students as a group have performed than high-income students on most measures of academic success (Jensen). Family income level affects academic performance. A family’s income definitely does affect the ability and the quality of education a child receives. When the money is tight in the family there are more important needs that need to be met. Education bec omes on the bottom of the priority list. Children s education should never be on the bottom of a parent s priority list but low income families do not have a choice. One that comes from low income family has more responsibility than the rest such as getting a job to help support the family or babsity while the parents at work. It is either good grades for you and you’d go to school, or one suffer lack of necessity When the family has a good solid income the children have more time to focus onShow MoreRelatedLow Income And Low Academic Achievement1270 Words  | 6 Pages Low Income Equals Low Academic Achievement Some may not want to believe that the world revolves around money, but it does. Goals in life cannot be taken anywhere without money. Money is the most important thing when it comes to quality education. The children from low income families academic performance is highly affected. Low income families struggle with educating their children. Income and wealth c an affect educational outcomes in a number of ways. Income has a direct impact on the affordabilityRead MoreLow Income And Low Academic Achievement1270 Words  | 6 PagesLow Income Equals Low Academic Achievement Some may not want to believe that the world revolves around money, but it does. Goals in life cannot be taken anywhere without money. Money is the most important thing when it comes to quality education. The children from low income families academic performance is highly affected. Low income families struggle with educating their children. Income and wealth can affect educational outcomes in a number of ways. Income has a direct impact on the affordabilityRead MoreLow Income Students And Academic Achievement1515 Words  | 7 Pagesn the introduction of this paper, I mentioned that low-income students tend to have decreased academic achievement. However, students living in poverty do not always fall privy to the generalizations that face them. 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Motivation at Panasonic free essay sample
Motivation at Panasonic Introduction Panasonic is very huge and world famous corporation. Panasonic is much more than a well-known brand name. It stands for the depth and diversity of our research capabilities, manufacturing expertise and product selection. It stands for the advanced technology of products, from easy-to-use consumer goods to sophisticated medical, broadcast, business and industrial systems. Visit the Panasonic Web site (http://www. panasonic. com) and youll quickly see the broad range of consumer, business, industrial and broadcast products offered. Business customers, seeing this wide range of expertise, have asked us to provide entire system wide solutions for all their electronics needs. Our engineers are rising to the challenge. The demand for this one-stop shopping is becoming a major growth area for the company as technology becomes more sophisticated and omnipresent. No matter if its a giant hotel, a stadium or a major metropolitan transit system, Panasonic is meeting customers needs. The research Question What motivate customers? What motivate employees and supervisor? How could this theory help you motivate the various individuals who work for you? How could you encourage the need for achievement in others? What are some of the difficulties in attempting to motivate high –NACH individuals in organizations? What evidence exits for the use of various types of reinforcement, vicarious learning, and self-control? What makes people kill others? There are questions that are unclear in many minds. Through this research, it is hope that the readers likewise will have a clearer view and understanding of motivations. Methodology The university library has very limited materials available for research purposes, and internet resource is not enough. For this reason and for fact that the scope of this research is limited to motivation, the research only used resources available. Literature search How to define motivation To define what motivation is, let us begin by point out what motivation isnt. Why? Because many people incorrectly view motivation as a persona trait, that is, they think that some have it and others dont. In practice, this attitude would characterize the manager who labels a certain employees as unmotivated. Our knowledge of motivation, though, tells us that people cant be labeled in this way. What we know is that motivation is the result of the interaction between the individual and situation. Certainly, individuals differ in motivational drive, but an individuals motivation varies from situation to situation. As we analyze varies both between individuals and with individuals at different times Well define motivation as the willingness to exert high levels of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts ability to satisfy some individual need. Although general motivation refers to effort toward any goal, here it will refer to organizational goals because our focus is on work-related behavior. The three key elements in our definition are effort organizational goals, and needs. Motivation is the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts ability to satisfy some individual need. The motivation process begins with an unsatisfied need, which creates tension and drives an individual to search for goals that, if attained, will satisfy the need and reduce the tension. Motivation is the forces that energizes behavior, give direction to behavior, and underlines the tendency to persist. It is an internal force. NO one can really measure it; even the person involved himself or herself. How we measure motivation is by simply watching the behavior, actions, and performances of the people in their search for fulfillment towards their goals. These actual performances are likely to be a function of their own abilities, motivations, and working conditions of their environments. Motives are dynamic and they are constantly changing as a result of the rise and fall of a motives importance as it is satisfied or not. Dr. Abraham Maslow The best known theory of motivation is probably psychologist Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs theory. He stated that within every human being there exists a hierarchy of five needs. Physiological needs . This most basic level of Dr. Maslows hierarchy includes the needs for food, water, sleep, oxygen, warmth, and freedom from pain. If these needs are unsatisfied, an individuals actions will be dominated by attempts to fulfill them. If these needs are sufficiently met, the second set of needs will emerge. Safety needs. These needs relate to obtaining a secure environment in which an individual is free from threats. It includes security and protection from physical and emotional harm Social needs. The third set needs include the need for affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship. Esteem needs. Internal esteem factors such as self respect, autonomy, and achievement and external esteem factors such as status, recognition, and attention. Self-actualization needs. Growth, achieving ones potential, and self-fulfillment; the drive to become what one is capable of becoming. As each need is substantially satisfied, the next need becomes dominant. From a motivation viewpoint, the theory says that, although no need is ever fully gratified, a substantially satisfied need no longer motivates. If you want to motivate someone, according to MASLOW, you need to understand where that person is in the hierarchy and focus on satisfying needs at or above that level. MASLOWS need theory has received wide recognition, particularly among practicing managers. Its popularity can be attributed to the theorys intuitive logic and ease of understanding. David McClelland David McClelland and others have proposed the three-needs theory, which maintains that there are three major relevant motivates or needs in work situations: Need for achievement(NACH) , Need for power(NPOW) , Need for affiliation(NAFF). Some people have a compelling drive to succeed, but they are striving for personal achievement rather than for the rewards of success per se (NACH). They have a desire to do something better or more efficiently than it has been done before. This drive is the need for achievement. From research concerning the achievement need, McClelland found that high achievers differentiate themselves from others by their desire to do things better. They seek solutions in which they can attain personal responsibility for back on their performance in order to tell whether they are improving or not, and in which they can set moderately challenging goals . High achievers are not gamblers; they dislike succeeding by chance. They prefer the challenges of working at a problem and accepting the actions of others. An important point is that they avoid what they perceive to be very easy or very difficult tasks. The need for power is the desire to have impact and to influential. Individuals high in NPOW enjoy being in charge, strive for influence over others, and prefer to be in competitive and status-oriented situations. The third need isolated by McClelland is affiliation (NAFF), which is the desire to be liked and accepted by others. This need has received the least attention by researchers. Individuals with high NAFF strive for friendships, prefer cooperative situations rather than competitive ones, and desire relationships involving a high degree of mutual understanding. Mr. McClelland proposed that a cultures growth is due to level of need for achievement inherent in its population. His research indicates that increases in the level of need for achievement precede increases in economic activity. He also proposed that achievement motivation can enhanced in adults who others lack high level. Adamss theory Employees dont work in a vacuum. They make comparisons. If someone offered you $60,000 a year on your first job upon graduation from college, you would probably grab the offer and report to work enthusiastic and certainly satisfied with your pay. How would you react if you found out a month or so into the job that coworker -another recent graduate, your age, with comparable grades from a comparable college -was getting $70,000a year? You probably would be upset! Even though, in absolute terms, $60,000 is a lot of for a new graduate to make, that suddenly would not be the issue. The issue would now center on relative rewards and what you believe is fair. There is considerable evidence that employees make comparison of their job inputs and outcomes relative to others and that inequities influence the degree of effort that employees exert. Developed by J. Stacey Adams , equity theory says that employees perceive what they get from a job situation (outcomes) in relation to what they put into it (inputs) and then compare their inputs -outcomes ration with the inputs-outcomes rations of relevant others. Worker will balance the input and out put in different way. Such as 1Change their own perception 2Change others inputs or outputs Change our own inputs or outputs 4Choose another comparator 5Quit job. Reward System Motivating employees can be through extrinsic rewards which come form sources that are outside and intrinsic rewards which are more accurately characterized as self administered, arising form within the person. More specifically, motivating different employees are done differently. Motivating professionals differ from motivating contingent workers, motivating volunteer differ from motivating temporary employees. The professional employees are usually university graduates. They receive intrinsic satisfaction from their work. They are differing from non professionals. They have long term commitment with their field of expertise. They are loyal to their profession and not to their employees. They need regular update of their knowledge. They are well paid and enjoying what they do. The contingent employee would be more interest in having an opportunity to get a permanent job than anything else. They work contingent, if the company now are lack of secretary, then they must do the job as secretary; if the company need operators, then they must do the job as operators, they are not the formal employees in the company. The hours volunteers give to make programs and special events successful, and the fundraising contact they have with your donor base, make them key spokespersons. Volunteers can be your organizations strongest recruiters, whether for additional volunteers, or for financial contributions. The most credible source of information within your organization to someone without any personal knowledge of it, volunteers must be informed and up-to-date about your organizations mission, projects and plans. They need support and feedback. The temporary employees enter into a new company, whether it is for a few hours or a few weeks, they are naturally unsure and uncomfortable with the new environment. They are adapting to new and different management styles and are challenged by assuming somebody elses responsibilities. Temporary employees are not second hand employees. Many choose to be a temporary employee for flexibility, variety of work experience, and mobility or are looking for permanent work in a company of choice. They have their own professional goals and are there to make things easier for your company. They are motivated by respect of others. Motivation at Panasonic The researcher will talk about motivation at Panasonic from two aspects. 1. Motivating employees The employees at Panasonic are only of two kinds: the supervisor and the employees. The supervisors are likewise well chose, and promoted from its own company, they must at least be university graduate and have rich experience. As supervisors, they set good examples to all their subordinates. They are very professional and mainly are old man, so the motivators to them are not money any more; they want esteem, the accepted of others. The employees are almost young and have very little experience, they want training to make them become stronger and also money to give their parents, even support their family. They also need to be treat equity, and need the understanding of managers; they want to feel managers keep an eye on them 2. Motivating customers The Panasonic are also taking some actions to motivate customers. The customers of Panasonic are mainly two kinds: Government purchasing officials and the user community. Why the customers want buy Panasonic products, because the high quality, good service, and the world famous brand, the good grantees. More importantly, Panasonic stands for a commitment to quality, value and innovation. In North America, this commitment is backed up by employees working in research and development centers from Californias Silicon Valley to Video Valley in New Jersey, state-of-the-art manufacturing plants, one of the countrys largest customer call centers in Virginia and sales and service organizations that deal with the public and business-to-business relationships in nearly every state. In all of our dealings, the customer is always first. This was our bedrock philosophy through the 20th century and it will carry us through the 21st century. Panasonic always make customers satisfied. Analysis and Interpretation Motivation helps people attain their goals and objectives easily. All people have motivation in doing anything, whether it is for a good cause, an ambition or a bad thing. Many times people dont know their motivation in doing what theyre doing because they are simply following some unwritten rule of the society or that of they are simply following the wishes of others. At Panasonic, there are two aspects that motivate employees. How to motivate them? 1. The Panasonic itself as a large world famous corporation. Panasonic has very good organizational culture. At Panasonic, the working condition is pretty good, the salary is tie to the performance, the employees have equal chance to be promoted, and the outstanding persons at Panasonic will have chance to self-actualizations. The reason I stay, is not they particularly enjoy the actual work that I do is because of the company. They all know, from experience and through exposure, that there are few companies out there that treat their employees as well as Panasonic. One employee at Panasonic said. People and the Environment they work in are the reasons why they stay at their organization. Often people will dislike their work or the product, but they will remain at an organization because of the people they work with all week. Great companies create a home for their employees. No one wants to leave a nest where one is cared for and a part of a family. As one employee commented, My current job satisfaction is the people! I love everyone I work with. This company has gone out of its way to create the perfect culture of people to work with. 2. Motivation is about making an employee feel valuable. Provide a valuable salary to your employees for the value they deserve and for the void you would feel if they were to leave. You make efforts to make them feel valued as an employee in your organization and they will most likely feel valuable and appreciated. Run incentive and reward programs. Make the investment to organize and rally the troops around a goal and reward them for their efforts. They want to know they are being invested in as much as they are investing their time and talents in the company. In conclusion, motivation and retention appear really complex, but they are simple. Write the things down that make you feel valued at your company and try to do those same things for your co-workers and employees. You dont have to be a mind-reader and you dont have to have a degree in psychology or a heavy pocketbook to make your team members feel valued. It is all about trial-and-error and the fact that you are concentrating on making your work place like a home. At Panasonic, it also takes some actions at motivating customers such as provide the products that customer needs, From humble beginnings with one man producing one product on a table in his apartment, to current status as the worlds largest manufacturer of consumer electronics, Panasonic has strived to develop products and services that meet the needs of all of customers. Panasonic products have had access-friendly features for many years. They strongly believe that everyone should be able to enjoy the benefits of accessible products. To achieve this goal, they endeavor to assure that Panasonic products use all readily achievable means to make them ever more accessible to, and usable by people with disabilities. The popular DVD format is an excellent example of Panasonics engineering and marketing prowess. Panasonic developed many of the key technologies that make possible DVD, the format that is now transforming home entertainment and the computer industry. Their engineers took that technology from the laboratory and created high-quality, affordable components for the industry. At the same time, they used their expertise in storage media to make DVD discs a reality. For their DVD efforts, they were awarded a technical Emmy Award by the television industry. While they are proud of that award, it hasnt stopped the technological advances. Panasonic was first to introduce recordable DVD for the PC and is moving forward with recordable DVD players for video enthusiasts. And this is only the beginning. Good service of guarantees procedures. In-warranty whole unit service is for in-warranty units that require service at the Panasonic repair center. 1. The specialist will make a determination of your warranty status* based on the date of purchase, serial number and problem description. Please refer to the green warranty card provided with your unit. 2. The specialist will provide you with a service authorization number, shipping company account and phone number, and address of the Panasonic repair center. If you need a box to ship the unit, we will send one to you. Make sure you backup your hard drive before sending your unit in for service. 4. Schedule a pick up of your unit with a shipping service company. Arrangements must be made within 30 days after you receive your service authorization number. 5. On the average, Panasonics repair center will troubleshoot and repair your unit within 48 hours of receipt. We will then return your computer via next day air service. All the above t hings make employees and customers highly motivated. Conclusion Motivation works differently for different people at different situations. According to Maslow hierarchy, our first need is survival, so we concentrate on basic physiological needs, such as food, water, and shelter, until we feel fairly sure that these needs are covered. Next, we concern ourselves with safety needs, which person to the desire to feel safe, secure, and free from threats to our existence. Once we feel reasonably safe and secure, we turn to attention to relationships with others in order to fulfill our belongingness needs, which involve the desire to affiliate with and be accepted by other. ow at Panasonic, employees mainly at this level, every few supervisors such as CEO, at the fourth level, even fifth level, the highest level of hierarchy, money is not their motivation any more. Because they already have a lot of money, they need excellent working conditions, others respect etc. But, the employees at lowest level of Panasonic, the main motivation to them is money, because they need support their family, they need satisfy their own needs of survival and safety. But when their needs are satisfied, then they will go to higher level of hierarchy.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
My Life Story free essay sample
When my life was quickly falling out of my hands and reality wasnt within reach, I felt helpless. I needed to find a way out somehow, someone or something to influence me in a better way by helping me out of the major hole I had dug myself into. It all began when I moved away from my life in Pennsylvania, and couldnt accept the fact that it was something my parents had to do. I was an emotional mess. I had much anger and no one to vent it on, except my parents, which, most of the time, was pointless. This would just end up being an even bigger mess. So as I began to make friends, I figured why not drown my sorrows in whatever I could possibly find drugs, alcohol, fun. I was out on school nights until one or two, planning on not going to school because I thought I had better things to do. We will write a custom essay sample on My Life Story or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As time passed, I began to miss many days of school, causing my grades to fall tremendously. I decided to drop out of the tenth grade. It seemed easier in my eyes, no more waking up at five oclock and I could stay out and not feel guilty. I knew somewhat what I was doing; I knew my life was on a downhill slant, and at that time I couldnt do a thing about it. As my friends from the other side saw what I was doing, they decided to do it too, losing everything they had: respect from everyone, parents, relatives, friends, and teachers. So we went on a fantasy trip, not caring about losing our education or love from people who tried to care. We thought it was great to be on our own until we ran out of money for our adventures. So, I got a full-time job which didnt last long. I got sick of that too. I couldnt deal with people telling me what I had to do. I rebelled, and got fired. Once again, I didnt care. Then, my friends and I began to get into a lot of mischief, getting in trouble with the police a number of times. Finally, they told me I would be sent to a juvenile institute to get back on track. My friends were in the same predicament. So I went home to try to figure out my mistakes, to try to patch them up. Well, I couldnt I would just have to move on. Weeks went by while I stayed home, still out of school. I watched what my friends were getting into, and I couldnt understand why they couldnt see what was happening to them. They were falling apart, just like I was. At that point, I wanted nothing to do with anyone. I needed time to myself, and I wanted my life back to normal. The second semester of my tenth grade year, I put myself back into school and got a part-time job. I began to do well, still a little on the edge, but I knew it wouldnt be perfect in a day. It took me awhile to get back in the swing of things and live a normal high school life. I give myself credit for doing it on my own. I turned myself around because I knew my lifestyle was wrong and what I was doing was dangerous. I needed time to find myself more than anything, and here I am now, a senior, awaiting graduation.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
5 Ways to Reduce Use of Prepositions
5 Ways to Reduce Use of Prepositions 5 Ways to Reduce Use of Prepositions 5 Ways to Reduce Use of Prepositions By Mark Nichol Prepositions, words that indicate relations between nouns, pronouns, and verbs (mostly small ones like for, in, of, on, to, and with but sometimes more substantial, as in the case of beneath or between), are often integral to a sentence, but writers can clutter sentences by being overly dependent on them. Here are five strategies for minimizing the number of prepositions you use: 1. Eliminate Prepositions by Using Active Voice Shifting from passive voice to active voice, as in the revision of â€Å"The watch was obviously designed by a master craftsman†to â€Å"A master craftsman had obviously designed the watch†takes a preposition out of action. (But take care that the inversion of the sentence structure doesn’t incorrectly shift emphasis or diminish dramatic effect.) 2. Substitute an Adverb for a Prepositional Phrase In the writer’s toolbox, adverbs are stronger tools than prepositional phrases. Revision of the sentence â€Å"The politician responded to the allegations with vehemence†to â€Å"The politician responded vehemently to the allegations†strengthens the thought and deletes the weak preposition with. 3. Use a Genitive in Place of a Prepositional Phrase An easy test to help reduce the number of prepositions is to search for the genitive case, or a possessive form: If a sentence could use the genitive case but doesn’t, revise the sentence. For example, â€Å"She was disturbed by the violent images in the movie†gains more impact (and loses a preposition) by reversing the sentence’s subject and object: â€Å"She was disturbed by the movie’s violent images.†(Combine this strategy with a shift from passive voice to active voice, and you jettison two prepositions and further strengthen the statement: â€Å"The movie’s violent images disturbed her.†) Another use of this technique is to revise a phrase including a reference to a location within a location, as in â€Å"the Museum of Modern Art in New York City,†which can be more actively and efficiently rendered as â€Å"New York City’s Museum of Modern Art.†4. Omit Prepositions by Eliminating Nominalizations Writers and editors aid clarity and conciseness by uncovering nominalizations, otherwise known as buried, or smothered, verbs. In doing so, they also negate the need for a preposition. For example, the sentence â€Å"Their attempt to provide a justification of the expense was unsuccessful,†simplified to â€Å"Their attempt to justify the expense was unsuccessful,†not only transforms the verb+article+nominalization clump â€Å"provide a justification†into the streamlined verb justify but also makes of unnecessary. (I originally wrote â€Å"but also makes the use of of unnecessary,†but then deleted the superfluous phrase â€Å"the use of†and thereby deleted a preposition.) 5. Delete Prepositional Phrases Prepositional phrases (preposition+article+noun) provide context, but they’re not always necessary. In a sentence like â€Å"The best outcome for this scenario would be an incremental withdrawal,†note whether the meaning is clear without the phrase, and if so, strike it out: â€Å"The best outcome would be an incremental withdrawal.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:75 Synonyms for â€Å"Angry†Dawned vs. DonnedEach vs. Both
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Definitions and Examples of Partitives in Grammar
Definitions and Examples of Partitives in Grammar  In English grammar, a partitive is a word or phrase (such as some of or a slice of) that indicates a part or quantity of something as distinct from a whole.Partitive is also called partitive noun or partitive noun phrase and is from the Latin partitus, relating to a part. Partitives can appear before mass (or noncount) nouns as well as count nouns. Although most partitive constructions refer to a quantity or amount, some are used to indicate quality or behavior (the kind of teacher who ... ).  Examples and Observations You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by. Yes, but some of them are golden only because we let them slip. (J.M. Barrie, Courage. Rectorial Address delivered at St. Andrews University, May 3, 1922)Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do, dont need to be done. (Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes)Now Murrells eyes followed an ant on a blade of grass, up the blade and down, many times in the single moment. (Eudora Welty, A Still Moment. The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty. Harcourt, 1980)Soap gumdrops, soap cigars, soap pickles, soap chocolates, and even a bar of soap that dyed its user an indelible blue made life exciting for the friends of a Johnson Smith addict. (Jean Shepherd, A Fistful of Fig Newtons. Random House, 1981)Not a part of the rock or a speck of moss or a streak of some other mineral, it was one of those stubborn bits of green felted cardboard that these rocks were always fixed on inside of the boxes. (Sharon Fiffer, Buried Stuff. Minotaur Books, 2010) It doesn’t matter if you’re a high school kid on your bike, or if you’re an egghead like me with a boatload of degrees. Anybody can be a birder. (Ben Kingsley as Lawrence Konrad in A Birders Guide to Everything, 2014)I am not just some here-today-gone-tomorrow sort of person who blows hot and cold like a feather in the windblown about by air. Oh no. Believe me, my love for you is, was and always will be true and oh-so-real. (Dawn French, Dear David Cassidy in Dear Fatty. Arrow Books, 2009) Partitives With Count Nouns and Noncount Nouns Count nouns that can act as the first element in such a structure (e.g. piece, bit, sort, etc.) are partitive nouns or partitives. Some words that form the second part of the construction take specific partitives (also called unit nouns) a Partitives are useful because they provide a means of counting uncount nouns.(Sylvia Chalker and Edmund Weiner, Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar. Oxford University Press, 1994) Partitives With Nouns of Location and Time Partitives are found with nouns of location (the end of the street, the back of the house etc.) and time (the end of the day, the middle of the week, the beginning of the month). These partitives of location and time are almost always found with the frame the partitive of the noun. (Dave Willis, Rules, Patterns and Words: Grammar and Lexis in English Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 2003) One day toward the end of the month the wind veered around to the southwest again and clouds moved in, bringing with them a heavy downpour. (John Hanson Mitchell, Living at the End of Time: Two Years in a Tiny House. University Press of New England, 2014) Partitives With Foods and Liquids Some partitives, such as gallon/liter of, can be applied to any head noun that is a liquid, and partitives such as ton/gram/pound of can be used to quantify anything that is appropriately measured by weight. Similarly, partitives such as a bottle of can be applied to different types of liquids that come in this container (e.g., beer, wine, catsup, milk). In contrast, partitives used to quantify food are more restricted. Portions of baked goods such as cake, pie, pizza, and bread are measured by slices, and only bread is quantified by the partitive count noun loaf. Certain types of vegetables (e.g., cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce) are quantified by head. (Ron Cowan, The Teachers Grammar of English: A Course Book and Reference Guide. Cambridge University Press, 2008) The pub is very smart and popular with foreigners, who can order Leopold Blooms lunch- a gorgonzola sandwich and a glass of burgundy- for about fifteen dollars during the summer high season. (Bill Barich, A Pint of Plain: Tradition, Change and the Fate of the Irish Pub. Bloomsbury, 2010) Functions of Partitives Partitive expressions collocate strongly with particular non-count nouns: a​ ... Partitive expressions commonly refer to the shape, size, movement or the amount of something: Theres a whole ... Some partitive expressions with -ful refer to containers or spaces which commonly hold the item referred to. These include bowlful of, cupful of, fistful of, handful of, mouthful of, spoonful of: He gave me a The plural of such expressions is usually formed by adding -s after -ful.(Ronald Carter and Michael McCarthy, Cambridge Grammar of English. Cambridge University Press, 2006)
Thursday, February 13, 2020
E-commerce managent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
E-commerce managent - Essay Example Now, â€Å"E-commerce is the function of creating exchange i.e., buying and selling over digital media†(Kalakota and Robinson 1999). Once it was interchangeable in meaning with e-business. Now, the term e-commerce has come of age by not just exchanging business but beyond that – comprising e-marketing, e-franchising, e-mailing and much more. Corporate success has to be essentially a strategic application based on entrepreneurial principles. Traditionally, strategy was formulated and implemented on Solution-Based Logic. Senior members of companies used to spend days in suggesting strategies to increase profits. Strategies suggested by board members served personal interest more than real work, questioning and ridiculing others’ ideas. All members had different perspectives of evaluating the proposed strategy. It was an amalgam of conflicting strategies, where finding a consensus was just a formality. Politics played a major role in zeroing on a strategy. Customer satisfaction on adopting a strategy based on traditional method was not beyond 5% to 15% better than earlier solutions. (Anthony, 1999) Advanced strategy, on the other hand, involves thinking process applied at senior level, called Outcome-Based Logic. It provides solutions, satisfying 80% more customers than the earlier solutions, performing ten times better than traditional strategies. Due to the fast changing IT environment, advanced business strategy needs to be formulated to convert new opportunities and add value to turn corporate investment into appealing propositions, remaining in the competition by providing durable benefits to business units. The fast pace of technological development has changed the ways of doing business on the global platform. The World Wide Web has changed the strategic mindset of companies to exploit the vast market potential, earlier unavailable. The major challenge of this dynamic business world is to run durable profit-earning
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Case 2 Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
2 - Case Study Example The firm had a profound financial standing while it enjoys a drastic market across the world. It is worth noting that G.E has a comprehensive system of operation that reduces wastage while promoting optimal utilization of organizational resources. The firm also benefits from a thorough company culture that attracts wide and detailed talents from all occupations. The firm enjoys an extensive facility development commitment in the end. The political environment presents an ideal stability for GE to conduct business. The challenges in the worlds environmental status present opportunities for the firm to achieve much. The technological environment allows the firm to generate innovative solutions benefiting its society and customers (Reed & Neubert, 2011). However, the legal environment poses much risk for the firm in terms of legal fees and litigation processes due to the Ecomagination policy. It is for this reason that GE has a vision and commitment of harnessing its global capabilities, market knowledge, and technology leadership while taking on the worlds tough struggles and accelerating company growth. The turbine expertise acts as the strength of the company and enhances quick moves towards renewable energy. However, one of the weaknesses of the company is the poor outlay of the communication channels set. The environmental sustainability campaign by government succeeds in presenting GE with an opportunity to engage in environmentally and socially responsible actions.In addition, the company meets the consumer’s future and current needs (Reed & Neubert, 2011). However, a threat coming with these efforts is that the public may mislead the intentions of the company leading to decline in the company’s reputation. The firm, has launched healthymagination and ecomagination as branding initiatives that highlight the commitment of the company towards social responsibility and
Friday, January 24, 2020
Employee Benefits Required By Law Essay -- essays research papers
Employee Benefits Required by Law The legally required employee benefits constitute nearly a quarter of the benefits package that employers provide. These benefits include employer contributions to Social Security, unemployment insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance. Altogether such benefits represent about twenty-one and half percent of payroll costs. Social Security Social Security is the federally administered insurance system. Under current federal laws, both employer and employee must pay into the system, and a certain percentage of the employee’s salary is paid up to a maximum limit. Social Security is mandatory for employees and employers. The most noteworthy exceptions are state and local government employees. The Social Security Act was passed in 1935. It provides an insurance plan designed to indemnify covered individuals against loss of earnings resulting from various causes. This loss of earnings may result from retirement, unemployment, disability, or the case of dependents, the death of the person supporting them. Social Security does not pay off except in the case where a loss of income through loss of employment actually is incurred. In order to be eligible for old age and survivors insurance (OASI) as well as disability and unemployment insurance under the Social Security Act, an individual must have been engaged in employment covered by the Act. Most employment in private enterprise, most types of self-employment, active military service after 1956 and employment in certain nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies are subject to coverage under the Act. Railroad workers and United States civil service employees who are covered by their own systems and some occupation al groups, under certain conditions, are exempted form the Act. The Social Security Program is supported by means of a tax levied against an employee’s earnings which must be matched buy the employer. Self-employed persons are required to pay a tax on their earnings at a rate, which is higher than that paid by employees but less than the combined rates paid by employees and their employers. In order to receive old age insurance benefits, a person must have reached retirement age and be fully insured. ... ...evel is inclined to encourage disabled employees to return to work. Another potential problem is that agencies must deal only with the one authorized "insurer." In most private insurance markets, the amount of prevention services is used as a device to attract and retain customers. It is not clear whether the Office of Workers 'Compensation Programs has any incentive to offer these key services. Occupational health and safety is as important a regulatory issue today as it was in the early 20th century, when it was at the vanguard of government intervention in the labor market. We should clearly be using all available devices for improving the operation of the labor market. Because employees will be compensated for their occupational injuries, it is necessary to take full advantage of the financing of that compensation system in order to create incentives for prevention. The financing arrangements now in use are quite strong, but reinforcing prevention incentives has nev er been viewed as their primary purpose. Recognition of this preventive incentive role and attention to its improvement will serve to improve the occupational health and safety of American workers.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Germany during and after World War II Essay
The Second World War was a global war that was fought between 1939 and 1945. The war essentially begun when Nazi Germany together with other members of the â€Å"axis†went on the rampage and were seeking ways of spreading their occupation on other countries. Such countries like Great Britain, Australia, Denmark, Canada, and later the U. S felt threatened and formed what would be known as the allied powers with the sole purpose of defeating the fast advancing Nazi Germany. (Weinberg G. L. 1994) On 1 September 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, it marked the beginning of the Second World War and Poland’s allies in the West that included Australia, United Kingdom, and New Zealand declared war on Germany on September 3. The allies were later to be joined by such countries as Canada, France, South Africa and many others. The U. S joined the War later after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. (Weinberg G. L. 1994) The War is rated as the most expensive war that has ever been fought with an estimated cost standing at about 1 trillion U. S Dollars worldwide as at 1944, and is also rated as the most deadly conflict with an estimated loss of 60 million people. Of these Countries, Germany suffered the most severe devastation to be ever witnessed in the country’s history. It suffered greatly politically, socially and economically especially after its humiliating defeat by the allies and its eventual surrender on 7th May 1945. (Weinberg G. L. 1994) This paper is going to discuss some of the impact that the War had on Germany and how quickly it recovered. Political Impact Adolph Hitler was the undisputed leader of Nazi Germany who had the ambitious plan to expand the Third Reich to occupy the whole world. This expansion idea is what led to the eruption of the Second World War. The expansion strategy had obvious implication of the strength of the leadership in the occupied areas. However when the Allies’ closed in on the Germany Forces, Hitler committed suicide on 30th April 1945 and Germany was left without a leader. This led to the occupation of Germany by the Allied forces who divided the country into four occupation zones between 1945 -1949 these zones included The American zone of occupation, British zone of occupation, Soviet zone of occupation, and the French zone of occupation. However, tension grew between the west and the Soviet Union, which led to the merger of the American, French, and British zones on one hand and the Soviet Union zone on the other. Germany was now divided into two zones of East Germany under the Soviets to form the German Democratic Republic and West Germany under the commonwealth to form the Federal Republic of Germany. Economic and social impact During the War Germany was heavily bombarded by the Allied Forces who concentrated their bombing on the on the industrial parts of Germany. The exercise was aimed at incapacitating completely Germans sources of revenue, which was fueling the War. Between 1940-1942 the English RAF, concentrated much of the bombings on such industrial facilities like oil, aluminum, transport and aero-engine plants. By the end of the war therefore the countries economy was totally dilapidated and the infrastructure had totally collapsed. In total in Dresden alone, with approximately 1300 raids and about 3900 tons of highly explosive bombs there were heavy losses where the cities were completely shattered and many lives lost. By the end of WWII Germany alone had lost approximately 600,000 people who included civilians alone. (Coleman, P. 1999) Coincidentally the war was taking place when the holocaust in Germany and the occupied states was at its highest. Hitler sought to cleanse the areas he occupied of all the Jews and other races that he considered inferior; this alone was to cost the region approximately 6 million lives. There high number of lives had a great impact at the social and cultural front because most of those who lost their lives were young and energetic men that the country would have needed to recover. (Coleman, P. 1999) Recovery Although Germany suffered great losses and the devastation was complete the recover was equally fast and dramatic. This fast recovery was witnessed especially in West Germany, which had now become The Federal Republic of Germany. (Kitson A 2001) The fast recovery was termed an â€Å"economic miracle†by the Times Magazine and was attributed to the United States’ economic aid to Germany and the Marshal plan that was instituted by the Allied countries. However the fast recovery was witnessed because of the currency reforms of 1948, which saw the replacement of the Reichsmark as the legal tender with the Deutsche Mark. The later reason was an effective means of ensuring that runaway inflation was contained once and for all. (Kitson A 2001) By 1990, the west and the East German united and worked together and by December 2nd 1990, there were elections for the first time. Today German has been the center of the European union. It is also rated as the third richest economy, which is set to continue growing. The aftermath of the World War II helped Germany rise economically and unite with other European countries like France. (Kitson A 2001) REFERENCE Coleman, P. (1999) â€Å"Cost of the War,†World War II Resource Guide: Gardena, California: The American War Library Kitson, Alison (2001): Germany 1858-1990: Hope, Terror, and Revival: Oxford University Press Weinberg, Gerhard L. (1994): A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II: New York: Cambridge University Press.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Barn Burning - 712 Words
Appearances can be deceiving in Edwin A. Robinson’s poem â€Å"Richard Cory†In my opinion the author is showing his readers that, people are always searching for something greater than what they have. There’s always something they’re unsatisfied with or don’t like about their life or themselves. People often look at others and want what they have. They secretly want to swap places with them. They also think others have it better than they do. Appearances are most often deceiving. People form their perception of others based on material possessions and things that’s visible to the eyes. This poem â€Å"Richard Cory†is based on people’s perceptions of him and how wrong they were. The poem uses many litrary devices to explain what the†¦show more content†¦It’s where all the excitement is. The quote, â€Å"He was a Gentleman from sole to crown,†(line 3). uses words like gentleman to show how small town people talk. There’s a hints of small town diction throughout the poem. The la nguage of small town people are more basic and an older form of speech. Small town people are very cordial. Another example of this poem taking place in a small town, is in this quote, †And Richard Cory, one calm summer night.†(line 15). The word, â€Å"calm,†represents quiet like in a small community. A â€Å"summer night,†is a peaceful night without noisey sirens like in larger cities. These words, â€Å"on calm summer night,†also makes you think of sitting outside and looking up at a sky full of stars. Repetition is being used here in many different ways. The speaker uses rhetoric to give specific details about Richard Cory, â€Å"And he was richâ€â€yes, richer than a kingâ€â€.â€Å" (line 9). Richard Cory had the perfect life. He had wealth beyond measures so he was certainly happy. He had no worries. Another quote, †To make us wish that we were in his place,†(line 12). denotes that the town’s people believed that he had everything. He had all the things they wanted but didn’t have. He had so much that it was his fault that they wished to be in his place. Anaphora repetition is also used by the speaker. The word, â€Å"And,†is repetitively used at the beginning of each of these lines; 5,6,9,10,14,and 15. An exampleShow MoreRelatedEssay Barn Burning1481 Words  | 6 PagesIn â€Å"Barn Burning,†the author, William Faulkner, composes a wonderful story about a poor boy who lives in anxiety, despair, and fear. He introduc es us to Colonel Satoris Snopes, or Sarty, a boy who is mature beyond his years. Due to the harsh circumstances of life, Sarty must choose between justice and his family. At a tender age of ten, Sarty starts to believe his integrity will help him make the right choices. His loyalty to family doesn’t allow for him to understand why he warns the De SpainRead MoreBarn Burning Essay1889 Words  | 8 PagesIn William Faulkner’s â€Å"Barn Burning†Colonel Sartoris Snopes must decide either to stand with his father and compromise his integrity, or embrace honesty and morality and condemn his family. This is a difficult decision to make, especially for a ten year old boy that has nothing outside of what his father provides. Sarty’s decision to ultimately betray his father is dependent on his observation of Abner’s character and the conflict he feels concerning Abner. â€Å"Barn Burning†opens with a trial inRead More Barn Burning Essay571 Words  | 3 PagesBarn Burning â€Å"Barn Burning†by William Faulkner was written in the ebb of the 1930’s in a decade of social, economic, and cultural decline. This story offers insight into the past years for students to learn of the nation and the South. This story shows the racial segregation that took place in these times between the white landowners and white tenant farmers, the blacks and the whites, and the poor white trash class and the blacks. The Snopes’s family was in the social class ofRead More Barn Burning Essay773 Words  | 4 PagesBarn Burning Barn Burning is a sad story because it very clearly shows the classical struggle between the privileged and the underprivileged classes. Time after time emotions of despair surface from both the protagonist and the antagonist involved in the story. This story outlines two distinct protagonists and two distinct antagonists. The first two are Colonel Sartoris Snopes (Sarty) and his father Abner Snopes (Ab). Sarty is the protagonist surrounded by his fatherRead More Barn Burning Essay1110 Words  | 5 Pages Barn Burning amp;quot;You’re getting to be a man. You got to learn. You got to learn to stick to your own blood or you ain’t going to have any blood to stick to you.amp;quot; This quote from William Faulkner’s amp;quot;Barn Burningamp;quot; does reveal a central issue in the story, as Jane Hiles suggests in her interpretation. The story is about blood ties, but more specifically, how these ties affect Sarty (the central character of the story). The story examines the internal conflict and dilemmaRead MoreEssay On Barn Burning879 Words  | 4 PagesWhy are children so loyal to their parents, even if their parents do not meet the moral standards of the child? Throughout the text of â€Å"Barn Burning†, Sarty seems to have repetitive feelings of grief and despair, yet he hesitates to out his father for his crimes. He hates his father’s crimes and his father’s way of life. Yet, Sarty is hesitant to out his father for his crimes. Mainly beca use he hopes his father will change, he fears his father will harm him physically or emotionally, and he placesRead MoreBarn Burning By William Faulkner935 Words  | 4 Pages William Faulkner’s â€Å"Barn Burning,†is about a southern white family that resides in a rural county in Mississippi. The low-income family members are the mother Lennie Snopes, the older brother, two sisters, and an aunt. The story’s main characters are, Colonel Sartoris Snopes, a 10- year-old boy, the father Abner Snopes, the property owner Abner’s boss Major de Spain, and his wife, Mrs. Lula de Spain. Abner Snopes characterized as the antagonist, and Faulkner describes him as an evil, vengeful manRead MoreBarn Burning By William Faulkner1373 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Faulkner’s short story â€Å"Barn Burning†is an epic exhibition of the author’s style. In the story, Faulkner shows us the story of Colonel Sartoris Snopes regarding his want for good and his loyalty to his family. Throughout the story, Sarty is put in a position of having to struggle between his integrity and his want to defend his father and family. In â€Å"B arn Burning,†a struggle is displayed by Sarty Snopes between his want to do right and his want to honor his father. The reader gets theRead MoreBarn Burning By William Faulkner1357 Words  | 6 PagesHenry Award winning short story, â€Å"Barn Burning†was written in 1938 and published by Harper’s in 1939 (â€Å"William,†par. 12). In many ways the story is a product of â€Å"both a turbulent time in America’s history and Faulkner’s personal history†(Parker 101). America was emerging from the Great Depression just in time to see World War II looming on the horizon while Faulkner was struggling with â€Å"finances, a drinking problem, and a new mistress†(Parker 102). In â€Å"Barn Burning†Faulkner makes extensive useRead MoreBarn Burning by William Faulkner682 Words  | 3 PagesWilliam Faulkner’s Barn Burning, Abner Snopes is a main character and father of Colonel Sartoris Snopes (Sarty), who is also a main character. Abner is a very poor looking man, unclean and unshaven. He always seems to wear the same thing, a dirty wh ite button up shirt with a dirty black hat and coat. Snopes is a very terrifying figure, often controlling his family with physical and psychological violence as well as making them contribute to his favorite pastime, burning barns. The Snopes family
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