Friday, October 11, 2019
Echoes of Heaven: God’s Love is Better than Life Itself,†Essay
Abstract Charles Elephant bares his Spirit in a book exalting God in every word, every page, and every chapter. In publishing his new book titled â€Å"Echoes of Heaven: God’s Love is Better than Life Itself,†Elephant shares his faith with the world by lifting select verses from the bible, and explaining how these words have changed his life and formed his faith. Amid all the tragedies, heartbreaks, hatred and confusion in the world today, it seems that everyone is out in the desert of life, tired but still running aimlessly for some clarity, a sense of knowledge that a much higher, much powerful force is in control, and never losing control of the world as they know it. Each person has a way of coping with life’s trials and difficulties. People turn to loved ones; others turn to their friends, others to their support groups, others to their families, while some others turn to books of wisdom that may provide the answers even to the questions they have not really asked out loud. Elephant writes the words of wisdom with the aid of biblical references and tells his readers how God started everything, and how He is still watching over His creation, with every intention of fulfilling His promises. â€Å"Echoes of Heaven: God’s Love is Better than Life Itself†is the book that will accompany its readers in their walk through life. It is a friend, a guide and ultimately, a prayer partner for a more meaningful and richer relationship with God. Author’s Bio Charles Elephant was born and raised in the quiet rural town of Mukurwe-ini, Nyeri in Kenya. Charles’ birth name is Charles Njogu. â€Å"Njogu†means Elephant in his language. Charles completed a Master’s degree in International Finance and Economics at Brandeis University in 2003. Presently, he is taking yet another Master’s Degree, this time under the Science in Management and Systems program at New York University. Charles came to the United States in 2001 and lived in Waltham, Massachusetts for a while, then moved to Newark, New Jersey, where he is currently staying. Life was chaotic for Charles in his search for life’s meaning and the individual role that he is supposed to play in this world. He was on a restless journey through life before he rediscovered God and began to understand His ways in the early 1990s. Along with his renewed faith in God, Charles got a revived outlook in life. Since then, too, Charles has determined that his strongest desire lies in tapping into his Spirit to gather more wisdom from God, and subsequently pass it on to His children. Charles vows to share with the world God’s amazing works and promises through his books and music of Praise and Worship. â€Å"My purpose in this merciless and bitter world is to bring together all the children of the Most High God to understand each other and find a way back to God. It is my responsibility to help others to rise above body-consciousness and have a glimpse of the Lord, with His grace.†– Charles Elephant PART I Chapter 1 Songs of Praise â€Å"Echoes of Heaven: God’s Love is Better than Life Itself†[1] begins with praise, worship and adoration in the first chapter using verses in Psalm 40. Elephant deems it good to start this way, presumably to honor God before moving forward to what he has to share in his book. He writes, â€Å"It is good to praise and worship God because He is good and worthy of our devotion every moment.†[2] How did Elephant introduce God to his readers? What justifies the statement that â€Å"It is good to praise and worship God,†and how â€Å"good†is God such that He is â€Å"worthy of our devotion every moment?†Elephant lifted verses from Psalm 40 to enumerate some of God’s wonderful ways. He responds to the cry of his people; He pulls His children from a dangerous pit, and a deadly quicksand; He makes His children feel secure; and He teaches who hears Him with a new song. Essentially, readers begin to see an extremely powerful but loving God who saves His people from harm, makes His people feel secure, and soothes the weary to sing a new song. How does Elephant respond to the amazing qualities of God? What is Elephant’s way of showing to God that he does praise, worship and obey Him? Elephant turns to Psalm 40 and says to God, â€Å"Here I am, I have comeâ€â€it is written about me in the scroll. I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.†[3] The introduction shows the manner in which a book will move forward from the starting point. This is where readers are given a glimpse of how the author will take them on a journey, and what they could look forward to in the succeeding chapters. In his first chapter, Elephant tells his readers that his book will be a guide to understanding God, a new lens through which God could be seen in a different light, and a friend to talk to when one finds himself feeling insecure or getting trapped in a dangerous pit, and a deadly quicksand. Chapter 2 Introduction            Elephant understands that his book is a personal collection of prayers, which can also be understood as private content of his spiritual being. Hence, in Chapter 2, he moves on to share more about himself, his life, where he came from, the kind of family that raised him, how he rediscovered the Lord and increased his faith; and how he found serenity in his newfound faith in the Lord. To anyone who carries or has carried a lot of burden in life, Elephant talks to him and says, â€Å"Before I met God, I was desperate; I hated myself because I had no hope, and my life was nothing but misery.†[4] Elephant furthers, â€Å"I was dying to hear someone whisper, ‘I love you,’ but no one ever did.†[5]            After having been lost and restless in life, Elephant says he wants to share with his readers the joy he has been feeling in God’s grace. Then he sums up his realizations in one urgent message – the importance of growing and increasing the relationship between man and God.            To bring God closer to the reader’s home, Elephant likens God to a father; a father whose arms await his children who had gone out of His embrace, who had decided to walk aimlessly through life, but are now ready to come back home to Him. Chapter 3 God’s Calling            One of the many things that you would normally hear from all kinds of people is that they are waiting to feel or hear God’s calling. Some others are asking whether there really such a thing as God’s calling and who hears this calling and how. Charles Elephant tells his story – the root of his choice, the family situation he was exposed to, and how God gave him a startling message that had set the course for his next choices in life. Elephant courageously shares the story that would convince you to find your own calling, too. Then he recounts a dream where God has spoken to him. Ultimately, Elephant opens his life to further stress one point: the depth of God’s understand and the extent of what He may choose to do for his child. Elepahant closes the chapter by saying, â€Å"I thanked God because He could understand my struggle and what I was going through.†[6] Chapter 4 God Appeared in Person            Jesus Christ was crucified because the people would not believe that he was the Son of God. But today, Charles Elephant is saying in his book that God has appeared before him in the flesh of a stranger. In the Bible, it is written, â€Å"Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.†[7] Charles Elephant unfolds a tale of an encounter that has made him cry positive triumphant tears. He says, â€Å"I had done what was right in the eyes of God.†[8] Chapter 5 God Revealed Himself to Me            In Chapter 5, Elephant continues to reveal his relationship with God and how his visions were coming with accurate news. He also relates to readers the conflicts he had to face externally and internally. Without qualms and even a slight hint of reluctance, Elephant tears his memory apart to gather the point in time when he felt God’s manifestation in his life, as he sensed God revealing Himself to him.            In this chapter, Elephant says to his reader, â€Å"Do not harden your heart.†As he was lost and had experienced countless conflicts in his life, he knew how a hardened heart must feel. But after a process of overcoming the blocks toward his spiritual growth, Elephant says, â€Å"Take my soul and mind because there are no longer my own. God, the Creator of the universe, let your will be done in my life for your glory.†[9] Chapter 6 Submitting My Life to God            In examining his life, as well as that of everyone and everything around him, Charles Elephant equips himself with the knowledge he needs to understand to carry on in life. Elephant notes the miracle of how he had gone to school despite his lack of resources. In his observation and recall, certain things in His life would not have happened if God had not allowed it. Yet, because they happened, and in fact turned into reality, Elephant calls it a miracle – one of the many miracles in his life.            Elephant shares yet another miracle in Chapter 6, how he was baptized by God, and how he was anointed by Jesus, the Son of God.  Submitting himself to God by baptismal was the first major step that Elephant has made in the hopes of giving back to God his expression of love. Chapter 7 Exciting Missions            After his holy baptismal, witnessing life and death became significant missions for Elephant. He tells of how God has sent him to people, and how the people have turned to him, as well. Charles believed he was doing God’s Will. And ultimately, he was willingly surrendering everything for God, because He has manifested Himself to him, and He has given him missions to fulfill. Elephant is filled with delight, because he has done as God had said. To his reader, he passes the reassurance that God is not taking anyone out of His sight. In fact, God knows and sees everything. Therefore, people who submit themselves to God need not worry about anything, especially not about getting lost.            He is a child following orders from God. Once again. Surely, Elephant wishes everyone to be alert in the presence of God, the father. He says, â€Å"When we go astray or fail to do His will due to our ignorance, He corrects us with love. His love to us endures forever.†[10] Chapter 8 The Occasion of My Birthday            Jesus said this is how man should make his petitions know to God: â€Å"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.[11] Elephant tells of birthdays graced by God and how his relationship with Him has made him a completely at peace and content person. Through his birthday stories, Elephant suggests that no matter how simple or grand the petition is, if you say it out loud to God, then it will happen according to God’s grace. Chapter 9 Love            Love and pain from heartaches are frequently together; most of the times, where there is love, there is pain. In the same manner, one’s value is diminished in the absence of another. Yet, Elephant says love is the greatest gift of all. How does love, with pain accompanying it, become the greatest love of all? Elephant says the simple answer, â€Å"Jesus sacrificed his life for our sake because of the Love God had for the world.†[12] If love could result in the sacrifice of life, then there is nothing that love could not do, cause or bring forth. One is still inclined to ask, â€Å"Why do people who love get hurt?†Elephant says, â€Å"God made me to go through the practical experience of being hurt, disappointed, desperate and discouraged. Without suffering, love could have no value; suffering draws us closer to God and helps us to appreciate the gift of life.†[13]            As for his more personal story, Elephant says this about love: â€Å"Genuine love does not attach conditions; it is always a free gift to others.†[14] Chapter 10 A Vision of Heaven            Heaven is a bright, lively stunning place where a banquet is prepared for everyone. This is just one of the aspects of Heaven, according to Elephant. In his curiosity about death and Heaven, Elephant had prayed for guidance and received it. In his trip to Heaven, two things were made even cleared to him: One, Heaven is home. Two, everyone should be able to find their way Home to the Father. Hence, upon receiving this vision, Elephant’s goal of bringing more people closer to God, so everyone could reach Home when the time comes for death on earth. Chapter 11 Angel Messengers            If people were plants and bushes in the garden, angels are the gardeners fulfilling their biological needs and preserving their aesthetic value. After his own personal encounters with angels, Elephant summarized his realization into this: â€Å"Angels are humble creatures who are always ready to serve and protect us. They are our gardeners. They do not want to see us miserable, sad or doing wrong things.†[15] Chapter 12 Faith            Every now and then, man will realize his faith is being tested by the situation, by his inner conflicts or by the environment influencing him. In any circumstance where faith is being tested, Elephant is says one has got to understand the breadth and depth of God’s might and His love for man. This way, one’s faith will remain strong amid tempting thoughts, feelings, worries and insecurities. How does one show his faith? How could faith be increased? How could faith be manifested? Elephant answers all these questions by saying, â€Å"Faith and trust are built through the long journey of love. Faith must be reflected by actions.†[16] God makes impossible things happen at His will. Elephant says, â€Å"He is faithful and never fails. He creates ways where there is no way.†[17] Chapter 13 Dealing with Darkness            It has always been good versus bad since man’s first kindergarten stories. It has always been about good triumphing over evil in the end. In believing in God, Elephant says, it is also important to believe in the existence of the devil, which he relates to darkness as proper metaphor.            In this chapter, Elephant shares how he almost died, and how God has empowered him to preserve his life – by defeating the devil. Elephant explains to his readers the way in which the devil works in the lives of man. He says, â€Å"As I was thinking about God, the Devil was thinking about me. As I was thinking about how to build a relationship with God, the Devil was thinking about how to destroy my relationship with God.†[18] Further, Elephant suggests that man should be ready with armor in anticipation of the devil’s attacks. What kind of armor could protect man from evil? Could this be bought? Is there a practice necessary to build it? Elephant says, â€Å"We need to put on our armor for protection. The name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior is the spiritual supernatural weapon; and the blood that he shed on Calvary is our armor.†[19] Therefore, Jesus Christ has done it all for man. Jesus Christ and his dying at the Calvary, and later on his resurrection, had become man’s salvation against evil for the rest of man’s life. Chapter 14 On Preparing for Death            Elephant had an actual near-death episode in the previous chapter. Here, he talks about his vision on his last day on earth. He had asked for a glimpse of how it would look like on his day of departure from Earth, and he was not very ecstatic about what he saw. Yet, how ecstatic could one be if one is seeing a vision of his wake or funeral? But then Elephant says there is nothing to worry about, not even death. He writes a prayer that one could recite in anticipation of death, and in gratitude to God at the same time: Thank you God for the time you have given me to live in this merciless and bitterness world. Lord I cannot complaint for anything because you have blessed me from the time I came to this world until this day when I am leaving it. It was through your grace and favor that I am the way I am. Many were born with various disabilities, including mental and physical health. Many went without food, drinks or clothing, but for me you had provided well. Millions have died through various causes but you have kept me alive until this day. I have seen the glory of sunrises and sunsets for all those days.[20] PART II Chapter 15 Man is a Complicated Creature Even from the very beginning, seemed to have a special inclination to doing exactly the opposite of what man is told to do. In Chapter 15, Elephant goes back to God’s commandments given to man, and how it everything turned out since the instruction was given. This is a highly reflective chapter in which Elephant arranged the stories in the bible that shows how man, since biblical Day 1 on Earth, has complicated every simple instruction given by God. Elephant concludes in the chapter, â€Å"Our first parent chose to follow or listen to a stranger, the Devil. He ignored the instructions that he was given by God, despite being given everything by his creator.†[21] Chapter 16 Swearing an Oath Big promises are big thing; but small promises are never small things. Hence, when it comes to promises or making oaths, God has instructed man to never take it lightly. Elephant says, â€Å"God discourages mortal man from making promises, because our failure to fulfill them will result in curses.†Elephant further says that there are traps laid by the devil in every promise a man makes. For this reason, in Psalm 15:1-5, God requires man to always do what he promises, no matter how much it may cost.[22] In the same manner, Elephant emphasizes that man should neither promise nor demand anyone to make a promise. In this way, only God is relied upon to keep His promises, as He never fails in His word. Chapter 17 Leadership Leadership comes from God, Elephant says.[23] However, unlike God who rules with glory, man tends to fail because of his ego, according to Elephant. He says, â€Å"Most leaders fail because they walk their own way out of pride.†[24] To become an effective leader, man has to submit himself to God and neither to himself, nor to the devil. Man has to understand that the true power of leadership belongs to one source, and that is God. Elephant’s advice is this: â€Å"Politicians are God’s vessels. Yet, due to ignorance, they are used by the Devil to kill, steal, and destroy. Their power and authority must be used for the glory of God, not for personal interest or gain.†[25] Chapter 18 Amazing Vision about Churches In Chapter 18, Elephant shares yet another vision, one which he received for the preservation of churches in the world. The day in the vision is Sunday, when most people go to church. Elephant sees the difference between and among people going to church, their motivation for doing so, and the difference in results across all people after the worship is over. He saw a group dressed in clean garments, and another group wearing rugs. What the people wore were symbols of their heart, what lies underneath the pretty clothes they don in the church. How can people be so different when they are going to one common church? In his vision, Elephant was taught that not everyone sincerely comes to God to worship him. There are people who are still confused over the true meaning of God’s existence in their life. Elephant’s guide in his visionary has told him, â€Å"Those who attend the buildings with rugs are preoccupied with many things. Their hearts have no room for God. They are seeking God for their businesses to be smooth, but they have no vision of salvation.†Elephant closes this chapter with revelations and prophecies from true and false prophets alike, and the differences that set one apart from the other. For even among churchgoers, a few more souls are not sure of what they are doing. Elephant says, â€Å"The land is full of people who are unfaithful to the Lord; they live wicked lives and misuse their power. Because of the Lord’s curse, the land mourns and the pastures are dry.†It becomes clear that a man’s land can be dry or thriving, depending on man’s way of tilling his soil. Chapter 19 Living a Double Life In connection to the previous chapter where churchgoers come to church wearing metaphorical rugs, Elephant continues to discuss the â€Å"double life†among God’s children, among the believers, themselves. He says, â€Å"The majority of Christians are believers, but they do not know what they believe in.†However sad the realization may be, there is a certain amount of truth in the state of the confused and lost Christians who were supposed to have been saved. As faith grows among believers, so does the evil ways in which they are trapped. Therefore, Elephant advices, â€Å"God is love and ready to forgive you. The time has come to say no to slavery and to be the master of your soul.†[26] In slavery, Elephant was referring to becoming a victim, hence a slave, of temptations. He offers a practical guide which can be used to find one’s way to freedom from confusion, disbelief and living a double life: â€Å"(A)ccept (God’s) invitation and do not reject it, and the peace, joy, and happiness from God shall be yours forever.†[27] Chapter 20 Why Marriages Break            Today, man is living in a generation that treats marriage as an almost meaningless piece of paper, with a primary purpose of setting legal boundaries and legal attachments. The â€Å"for better or for worse†part in wedding vows have been set aside, for the sake of freedom of choice and freedom from suffering from wrong choices.            Elephant says of marriage, â€Å"Marriage is a contract entered into by the free choice of a man and a woman. Both know the consequence of their choice is to participate in the creation of life. Therefore, they must make sure they do not make the child that they create suffer in any way. It is a sin, and God does not tolerate that.†[28] Chapter 21 What is Death? The tragedy of death strikes all nations and all individuals in many traumatic ways. Cultures and clans across the world have different ways of burying their dead, and remembering them in their hearts. However, death is always a cause of pain to man – to those who were left behind, and those who are awaiting their time. Being exposed to cases of HIVs and AIDS, Elephant heard a voice of why diseases like these have happened to man. The voice he heard said, â€Å"â€Å"Charles, do not be surprised. Not all who are aï ¬â‚¬ected are sinners, and that is why they are suï ¬â‚¬ering. Most of them are innocent, but the prophecy must be fulfilled. These are the last days that the prophets talked about. The world has turned away from God.†Elephant was curious about the dead, and in this chapter he reveals more of his visions that led him to grow further in his faith in God, even in the presence of death. Chapter 22 What is a Soul?            Soul is the energy that God places within a human body so it would receive life.[29] Elephant says the soul should master the mind in harmony, and the mind should not master the soul. He further speaks of preachers who minister differently among people. â€Å"When the preachers are preaching, some minister to the soul and others to the mind. Ministering to the soul results in the repentance of sins†¦ Other preachers entertain the flesh (mind) by telling people what they want to hear. Those are preachers that are either planted by the Devil or have personal interests.†[30] If mind is separated from the soul, and the soul should master the mind, it becomes clear that the mind is of the body, and the soul is of God. What does it take to have a healthy mind, then? Worldly matters, perhaps. What does it take to have a healthy soul? Elephant says it’s a relationship and common communication with God. Chapter 23 Who is right – Christians or Muslims?            In a very concise but meaningful manner, Elephant explains the reality among Christians and Muslims, and how there should be no debate as to who is right between the two groups.            It has already been discussed in the book that man is complicated by nature. Ergo, it is not surprising to see religions clashing even when they are not supposed to, considering that they are worshipping one God, and resisting one enemy, the devil. Ergo, it works for the glory of God that people in spite of all the differences, are worshipping one and the same God, albeit in many varying ways. Chapter 24 The issue of the Da Vinci Code            The whole world talked of a fictional book by a them emerging author who wrote about the purported symbols in the works of the great legendary artist, Leonardo Da Vinci. Massive talks and debates were held, all for one fictional book. Yet, Elephant shares with the readers why all these debates took place. He says, â€Å"Religion, belief, and faith are parts of our lives, and they give us an identity. When they are challenged, we tend to feel insecure and threatened.†[31] The threat mostly comes from knowing that other groups are saying that what used to be real for most is false all along. This is a threat in that the stability of old beliefs are shaken, and a line is no longer drawn between fiction and facts. However, Elephant says, the threat should not upset anyone, and there should have been no threat at all if man has a competent understanding of what he believes in. The problem starts when one’s faith is weak and therefore the Spirit is not heard. â€Å"We should not walk blindly, because ignorance is as bad as any other sin.. It is our responsibility to follow God’s guidance,†Elephant says.[32] This guidance, when received, will draw the glaring line between fact and fiction, and kill the threat away, and will subsequently set matters straight between fact and fiction. The thing that matters most, therefore, is faith, unshakeable faith in God that seeks guidance all the time. Chapter 25 Kenyan Road of Democracy            Kenya is precious to Elephant because first and foremost, it is his country.          He also mentions about the amazing relationship between Christians and Muslims in Kenya, together with the other religions. Hence, in Elephant’s country, they were one. All the turmoil that Kenya has gone through, sits deep inside each one of everyone in Kenya, such that even the political situation in Kenya has become a part of Elephant’s vision. Elephant says, â€Å"During the elections, I did not go to vote because I knew the outcome already.†[33] Elephant shares how the amazing change of government in Kenya was hinted in his visions, and what he had to do to see it through. Chapter 26 Pope John Paul’s Revelation            Pope John Paul II was instrumental to Elephant’s continuously increasing faith. Elephant shares with the readers the testimonies of his visions concerning Pope John Paul II, and how his death has affected him, spiritually and emotionally, and ultimately, holistically.            Elephant shares, â€Å"I had a lot of confusion in my head about my life and mission until the death of Pope John Paul.†[34] Even after the Pope’s death, Elephant has witnessed a vision, which affirmed the reality of death for him, as well as the awesome glory that awaits those who have been righteous and faithful to God.            In conclusion to this chapter, Elephant says, â€Å"It is true that when we die, an angel of God comes for us in a bright light to take those who are righteous to paradise†¦ Glory be to God.†[35] PART III Chapter 27 Who is the Devil?            In this third and final part of the book, Elephant tells the story of how the Devil became one, and how man is being trapped by this devil’s manipulation over and over again. As for Elephant, he reckons that knowledge of the devil and its ways are necessary in the continuous journey of a believer in God.            In Elephant’s summarized story of the devil’s existence, he stresses that the devil is all about pride, power and possession. So, â€Å"the Devil deceives mankind to sin, so that he can remain in power and have authority and power throughout the ages.†[36] Chapter 28 Who is Jesus?            Jesus is the overall manifestation of God’s love for man. As it is said in the Bible in John 3:16, â€Å"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever shall believe in Him, will not perish, but will receive eternal life.†As such, Jesus was the very representation of God’s immense love for His people.            Elephant recounts Jesus’ life on Earth, emphasizing on Jesus’ important teachings on love, forgiveness and prayer among others. Knowing Jesus is similar to knowing that God loves his creation. Chapter 29 Who is God?            Elephant turns to the Bible and his own personal experience and visions in sharing with his readers the reality he knows of God. He says, â€Å"God’s purpose from the beginning was for man to rule the world. God did not create man to die but to live forever†[37]            In knowing God and His high supremacy, Elephant turns to the Bible to recount the first three commandments in Exodus 20:3-7, which is the ultimate verbal manifestation of God: â€Å"I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, where you were slaves. Worship no other god but me. Do not make for yourselves images of anything in heaven or on earth or in the water under the earth. Do not bow down to any idol or worship it, because I am the Lord your God and tolerate no rivals. I bring punishment on those who hate me and on their descendants down to the third and fourth generation. But I show my love to thousands of generations of those who love me and obey my laws.†Chapter 30 Curses            Curses in this modern age are nothing more than witchcraft manifestation of manipulation and remedies. But in the Bible, curses existed because God has decided to unleash His anger. God, too, gets hurt and gets angry. In fact, He was so disappointed and hurt with what happened to Adam and Eve in the Bible, that He cursed them. This is the story of this chapter: how God was badly hurt, how He has cursed the world and how he redeemed it again by Jesus Christ.            Elephant says, â€Å"The curse started from one point where God was standing and spread all over the world. The blood that came from Jesus’ limbs dripped onto the ground, breaking the curses right from the Calvary where the cross was planted to the ground.†[38] Chapter 31 God’s Anger            In building a relationship with God, it is important to understand what makes Him happy and what makes Him angry. Even before man is born, he is loved. But man’s complicated course of actions is inclined towards displeasing God, resulting in His anger. Therefore, if man would know what angers God and keeps that in mind, his life and his relationship with God would lie strong in faith and he will not feel abandoned or cursed by God.            Elephant says, â€Å"God has taught me about the Bible through reading and repeating in my dreams or visions the events that took place from Genesis to Revelation whenever I desired to experience the same.† In his desire to experience God fully, he submits himself for visions, desiring to understand God and His ways. Elephant states how he has shared laughing moments with God, and how important it is to never leave God’s care. Chapter 32 The Grace of God            Elephant starts this chapter by reminding his reader of one biblical fact: all man are sinners. Yet, despite the sin and the abominable ways of man, God’s grace shines through, so much that His Son came down to die for the salvation of man.            Even before Jesus came, God’s grace was already apparent in the Old Testament. Elephant says, â€Å"God is love and He is merciful. He delivered the Israelites from the hands of their oppressors because He loved their forefathers. There was no price to pay after deliverance.†Truly, there is no higher and holier grace than that. Chapter 33 What is Forgiven? In his desire to further understand God, Elephant has prayed for an understanding of sin, and how sin would be recalled on the last day. How much is too much when it comes to sin? How could man’s unforgiving ways affect the judgment that would fall upon him on the last day? To answer these questions, Elephant leaves one strong statement for his reader: â€Å"The wicked will have to suffer, but those who trust in the Lord are protected by his constant love.†It is worth noting that throughout the book, Elephant is consistently never judgmental, and he keeps inviting his reader to repent and trust in God to experience God’s amazing love. Psalms 51, a prayer for forgiveness is an integral part of this chapter, where man is encourage to put his trust in God and know that for whatever sin, if man comes with sincerity and bow before God, then God’s grace will forgive, and ultimately, save him. Chapter 34 Do Not Test God            While Christianity is under attack, man is continuously tempted to ask God for signs that He is real, that He exists, that He is powerful, and that He is, indeed God. But Elephant says in this chapter, man is not supposed to test God.            In Deuteronomy 6:16, it is said, â€Å"Do not put the Lord your God to the test. Be sure that you obey all the laws that He has given you. Do what the Lord says is right and good, and all will be well with you.†           In maintaining a relationship with God, Elephant says this is what is important: Therefore, it is not a question of what to receive but what to give back to God; not what God is going to do but what God has done for us and what we are going to do for Him; not what we can expect from God but what God expects from us.[39] Chapter 35 Where Does God Live? Believers and followers of God will know where he lives for it is written in the Bible, that Jesus has risen to prepare rooms for God’s children who will find Heaven after a life on Earth. In John 14:1-3, Jesus said, â€Å"Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe on God, believe also on me. In my Father’s house there are many abodes; were it not so, I had told you: for I go to prepare you a place; and if I go and shall prepare you a place, I am coming again and shall receive you to myself, that where I am ye also may be.†Therefore God lives in a Kingdom with many rooms, and this, man is destined to see. Elephant concludes, â€Å"Jesus came to bring salvation to all mankind so that we could inherit the Kingdom of God by showing us the right way to follow.†[40] Chapter 36 Prayers            Chapter 36 is full of prayers for the believers to form a relationship with God and strengthening this relationship to experience God’s grace and love.            In this chapter, Elephant discusses the Seven Steps to prepare the Bread at the Holy Communion. The seven steps are as follows: First, prepare the ingredients while gathering the believers and ask forgiveness from one another; second, ask God to bless the mixture of dough to turn it into the Body of Christ; third, pray for the utensils, too, and ask God for the blazing flame of the Holy Spirit; fourth, pray for God to enrich the bread with spiritual gifts that it may be taken into the body of man; fifth, give thanks to God; sixth, bless the communion and pray for those who are taking it; and finally, pray for forgiveness and thanksgiving before taking in the communion. Chapter 37 Day of the Lord In the final chapter of his book, Elephant calls unto his readers to nourish a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Christ, to become followers and believers acting as God’s hands on Earth, for God’s glory, and for earning the right to get to the Kingdom of God on the last day. Through his experience, visions and dreams, Elephant wishes nothing more for his reader than to enjoy God’s love by rediscovering Him, and becoming closer to Him everyday. Finally, Elephant shares his knowledge of rewards that await the believers on the day of Christ’s return on Earth. He wishes to enjoy this glorious second coming, with as many believers as possible.
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