Monday, December 30, 2019
Gym Essay - 707 Words
What Healthy Senior Women Are Up To At The Gym Many studies out there show the benefits of seniors making a regular trip to the gym. In fact, the older we get, the more we need to keep our muscles strong. Sarcopenia As the years go by, the muscular cells in our body waste away due to lack of use or by the damaging effects of free radicals, inflammation, and hormonal imbalance during menopause, or mitochondrial dysfunction. All together, these factors are called Sarcopenia, the natural weakening of the muscles through aging. To reverse this process, progressive and regular use of resistance training was proven to increase mitochondrial and antioxidant production, balance hormones, and strengthen muscles on a genetic level. Why Is The†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Tai Chi or Qigong - These types of ancient wellness practices can usually be found at your local senior or community center or even at the gym. They are great for balance, stress relief, and muscle strengthening. Because of the slow pace movement and low impact exercise, this is a very popular strength program for senior women. It is easy on the joints but still helps to strengthen your entire body. It also helps to keep you flexible and limber. †¢ Yoga - This is another low impact form of exercise that is popular with the senior community. Like everyone else, seniors can gain strength and flexibility through a regular yoga program. It doesnt require any special equipment so you can even do these at home after youve learned the moves or watch a video and follow along. One of the best thing about yoga is that there are modifications to almost every move for those who may have limited mobility due to health issues like arthritis. †¢ Water Aerobics - Many seniors can be found moving and smiling at the local pool. These water aerobics classes are great for strength training seniors without causing any injury. The weight of the water against the movement of the body creates a natural resistance training to keep the muscles strong without the jarring and joint problems. Another great aspect of water aerobics is that it controls the body temperature with the cool water, so no nasty sweating! †¢ Power Walking - Power walking is another simple,Show MoreRelatedThe Gym, As a Social Scene Essay1731 Words  | 7 PagesAlthough fitness centers and gyms may appear to be a place to break a sweat and work out with the intention of not being seen without makeup and in grungy clothes, this may not be the case, in particular when it comes to college gyms. Contrary to the findings Tamara L. 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It is where I have formed some of the closest friendships. It is the place I have invested years of hard work for many of my accomplishments. To some it may seem odd that a place associated with sweat and physical pain can mean so much to oneRead MorePersuasive Essay : Gym Class1248 Words  | 5 PagesThis was his second year at Jamesville High, and despite this, he still didn t know which peg hole suited him. Last year blew past like a blur, though it did have moments when time seemed to creep along, like some wishfully forgettable moments in gym class. Unwilling and unable to accomplish the mi nimally pathetic goals of Coach Peterson s PE class, he d hidden in the bathrooms. At least until the red-eyed coach dragged him onto the worn plank floors of the gymnasium. There, under the unrelentingRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Gym1675 Words  | 7 PagesAs I got an invitation to go to open gym with my friends, my main thoughts were, â€Å"I hope I can get some new skills tonight.†Little did I know, my thoughts about four hours later would be, â€Å"I have never been so upset, angry, or disappointed in my life.†As I walked into the cold, noisy gym, I was prepared to achieve my round off back handspring back tuck. I assured myself that I would be able to do it successfully. I wished that the ground was as soft and comforting as the dark trampoline with orange
Sunday, December 22, 2019
What’s Venezuela Crisis Really About Essay - 984 Words
Venezuela is a country located on the northern coast of South America, bordering the Caribbean Sea, Brazil and Colombia. Venezuela is a country full of beauties and contrasts where people can find beautiful beaches, plains, mountains, and even the majestic highest waterfall of the world (Angel Falls). Also, oil rich nation, one of the upper 10 exporting countries worldwide. During more than four decades, this country lived in full democracy until 1999, when a former military officer, who was involved in a military coup years ago, Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias won the presidential elections, and who remained in the government until he died in 2013 from cancer. Hugo Chavezs political discourse based on the Marxist thoughts soon was creating†¦show more content†¦Then, in two thousand eight the third Stage of Process was implemented in which the Venezuelan governments nationalized the local operations of multinational companies in those sectors considered essential†for their project advisors Cubans. Moreover, Marx divides the communist future into halves, a first stage generally referred to as the dictatorship of the proletariat and a second stage usually called full communism. The historical boundaries of the first stage are set in the claim that: Between capitalist and communist society lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other. There corresponds to this also a political transition period in which the state can be nothing but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat. Chavez instill it never was to turn Venezuela into another Cuba. He knew he needed the private sector to keep products on the shelves, and wanted to prevent the country follow in the footsteps of Cuba, becoming economically irrelevant in the world as it is today. After Chavez death things have changed. Maduro has not even remotely intellectual Chavez force or charisma, so the currently Venezuelan’s President, depend totally from Cuban’s advices. Maduro as President have to finish the instauration of the communism in Venezuela that Chavez began. In This process Maduro, began fourth stage with an â€Å"Economic War†by ending what was left of freeShow MoreRelatedStrategic Brand Management: Final Notes2618 Words  | 11 Pages2. The people that you’re trying to reach (younger people are more influenced by peers) 3. Your Customer’s connectivity 4. Your marketing strategy (if you have a contract, buzz is less important) 1. Buzz is an invisible network-You will never really see how buzz moves from person to person. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Subcultures in Organization Free Essays
Discuss whether an organization might be better considered as consisting of many sub-cultures which are conceptually different, rather than one ‘major’ culture. * An introduction Culture, whether in some organization or society, is about people. People play a key role in culture. We will write a custom essay sample on Subcultures in Organization or any similar topic only for you Order Now People create culture. And because people are individual units with different opinions, values, goals, attitudes, wants and needs but at the same time they interact with other people, they share all of these things with others on the base of the communication and they influence each other, so naturally it leads to exchange of their opinions, many confrontation and conflicts. But confrontation and conflicts do not always mean something wrong, it can bring improvement, progress, and change. And likewise, it goes the same in organizations. One person is equal to one opinion in some particular issue. And nobody can say this is a good or bad way or decision. For somebody it is obvious that some manner is the best and for another person it can mean something totally different. More people, more opinions and more points of view. Sometimes it can make more difficulties and another time make things easier. That is why it is not easy and clear to say whether an organization might be better considered as consisting of many sub-cultures which are conceptually different, rather than one ‘major’ culture. Because we have to take into account all of these things which I mentioned before. In this essay I try to assess all factors related to corporate culture and its sub-cultures and find out pros and cons of one ‘major’ culture and sub-cultures in the organization. * A central part In the beginning let’s have a look at two basic terms which are fundamental in this topic. These are corporate culture and sub-culture. Everybody knows what to imagine under these words. But everybody can imagine something else, each of us perceives corporate culture differently and this is the reason why there exist a lot of definitions of culture. Of course I will not write down many definitions here but I would like to mention just one which on my opinion is the most apposite. According to Andrew Brown (1995, 1998) who stated the definition of organizational culture in his book Organizational Culture is the following: â€Å"Organizational culture refers to the pattern of beliefs, values and learned ways of coping with experience that have developed during the course of an organization’s history, and which tend to be manifested in its material arrangements and in the behaviors of its members. Simply said, organizational culture is everything what surrounds us at work. Organizational culture influences everything what it happens in a company, company’s success and efficiency. When we are taking into account two companies with the same technological equipment, so theoretically they should be equally successful, but they are not. Why? The answer is different corporate culture. Corporate culture can support strategy and company’s goals but on the other side it can mean for company obstacles in progress, higher cost and low competitiveness. Every organizational culture can contain many sub-cultures. And sub-culture in organization is the second very important term which I want to mention. We can say that sub-culture is natural phenomenon within the company and a subgroup of a larger organizational culture with the unique values and beliefs. Subcultures are caused by a particular employee’s interests, different levels of management (e. g. hand worker x manager) different functional areas (people have another scope of employment or solve totally different types of problems or with the same scope of employment but with insufficient cooperation – e. . Human resources x Informatics) or by large distance within the same organization. In many cases the presence of sub-cultures is desirable for company and positive but the culture in the company has to be dominant and people within the sub-cultures have to follow common goals and values. In other cases it is counter-productive and subcultures deny dominant culture and they can damage the whole company because subcultures c an get in to the conflict and complicate integration and coordination within the organization. For dominant culture are typical definite communication within the company, clear company’s goal and values, desirable behavior, uniform attitudes and following quick decision making and planning and increasing motivation and team belonging. The majority of company believes in the core values of organization. But the strong cultures have to deal with some problems as less flexibility, sticking to the past experience; company is not too willing to accept change, isolation from the surrounding environment and information. On the other hand there exist weak corporate cultures where there are really bad communication among members of company, variety of opinions and values and people do not follow company’s core ideas. If the managers do not support meetings, cooperation a communication among employees, sharing information and experience, then people look for their own way how to communicate, solve the problems, make decisions and set up the priorities according to their own values, needs and wants. * A conclusion And back to the question â€Å"what is better†? One company = 1 culture or 1 company = many subcultures? Do we want one major culture where the well-defined values and principles will be followed by almost all employees in the company? If course, we do. But what will be happening if these values and principals are not so clearly defined and managers do not follow it? Or these values are considered as fundamental and unchangeable and company never wants to accept another new approach although things are changing with time. The company finds itself in crisis. And what about the other possibility? What about the presence of some subcultures in the company? The one strong culture and co-existed other subcultures? Subcultures which are different from each other, with different values, needs, behavior for example according to level of management or function but still identifying with the core values of dominant culture of the company. But what will be happening in the case that the culture is not so dominant? Then people in the subcultures will have totally different opinions, they will follow other values and the goal of the company will be different and company will have big difficulties to achieve their goals, satisfy their employees and also customers, the communication will be confused and a lot of conflicts will be occurred. So how to get to the ideal solution? As we know nothing is ideal but we can try to get to ideal solution as closer as possible. In case of one main culture and other subcultures on my opinion the organization should insist on clear and accurate definitions of its strategy, mission – the fundamental purpose of the organization, what business the company is, vision – where does company wish to go? , core values – what are the desired behavior and characters, attitudes and etc. Also another really important thing is clear formulation of well-arranged conditions of work, e. g. equired ways of behavior at work (dress code, manners), assessment, remuneration, education and trainings (mandatory or voluntary) of employees. Company should inform their employees not only about changes but also about all things mentioned above as much as possible. Each a new employee should be familiarized with company’s strategy, its values, mission, vision and so on. Company should also support communication among particular subcultures for example organizing regular meeting where they will make them acquainted with all news in each subculture, with changes, outcomes, future plans and all important things which happened. Another advice which I would recommend is to arrange teambuilding activities and trips, company-wide actions (cultural, sport, charity) which converge employees together. And managers also take care of different opinions and values of his employees and appropriately motivate them. In case of the one dominant culture without any subcultures in the company I would recommend to target the opened mind during a decision making and take into account and assess more alternative than one and for example the company can hire some external experts in a lot of tasks because they can bring a lot of new ideas into the company. Also an employee participation in many staff trainings, courses and seminars and their exchange of experience there can help to see things in a different light. Because nowadays the life is going really fast, things are change every day, technological progress and also people’s thinking as well that is why I think that company should be open to all changes, new approaches and methods so on my opinion and with respect to present time the one strong culture with many subcultures is the most suitable for companies. And we have to take into account that organizational culture is not important only for current employees of the company but also for new coming employees; sometimes people prefer atmosphere in the company to for example salary. And corporate culture gives current employees some confidence what direction the company will take and what they can expect. Because when we have a look at this fast going and changing world it is clear and understandable that people need security jobs and income and the right corporate culture can help to find it and also maintain it. A list of referenced sources Books: LUKASOVA, R. , NOVY, I. and et al. : Organizacni kultura, 1. ed, Prague: Grada Publishing 2004, 176 p. ISBN 80-247-0648-2, s. 64 SIGUT, Z. Firemni kultura a lidske zdroje. 1. ed. Prague: ASPI, 2004. 87 p. ISBN 80-7357-046-7. Internet: SUN, S. cit. : â€Å"BROWN, A. , Organizational Culture. (2nd ed). Pitman Publishing, 1995,1998†in: International Journal of Business and Management 2008, December http://ccsenet. org/journal/index. php/ijbm/article/view/760/726] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- [ 1 ]. SUN, S. cit. : â€Å"BROWN, A. , Organizational Culture. (2nd ed). Pitman Publishing, 1995,1998†in: International Journal of Business and Management 2008, December [http://ccsenet. org/journal/index. php/ijbm/article/view/760/726]. [ 2 ]. LUKASOVA, R. , NOVY, I. and et al. : Organizacni kultura, 1. vydani, Prague: Grada Publishing 2004, 176 p. [ 3 ]. SIGUT, Z. Firemni kultura a lidske zdroje. 1. ed. Prague: ASPI, 2004. 87 p. ISBN 80-7357-046-7. How to cite Subcultures in Organization, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Advertising, The Good With The Bad Essay Example For Students
Advertising, The Good With The Bad Essay Mass Communication ProcessThesis Paper Advertising (Chapter 11)Advertising is a necessary market force that is responsible for the success of most, and involved in all, forms of Multimedia. It is also responsible for some of our most powerful and long-living icons that dominate the American landscape. Advertising, like it or not, is everywhere. It is on buses, billboards and hot-air balloons. It invades our living rooms, our classrooms and almost every aspect of human life. The average American is exposed to 115 advertisements during their morning commute. With this much exposure to the consumer market, one wonders weather or not this is good or bad for the population at large. Not surprisingly, professionals have disputed advertisings effect across the globe. In this paper I do not want to look at the effects of advertising as much as the techniques in which the advertisers choose to convey their message. I intend to argue and support that the several techniques used by advertisers are underhanded and, in some cases, downright unethical. Advertisers use several different techniques for selling products. One can analyze these as persuasive techniques. This first point summarizes the oldest and most conventional persuasive techniques Most are considered perfectly ethical at first glance, but when you examine them further, things are not always as they appear. Two of these techniques include the plain-folks pitch, and snob appeal. These two techniques are used quite often. Both hope to attract your attention by getting you to establish a need for the products. In the Plain-folks pitch, advertisers try to make things appear much simpler than they are. An example of a typical Plain-folks pitch is Toyotas current pitch, Everyday; as in everyday people drive Toyota cars. The Snob approach, on the other hand tries to make you believe that upon the purchase of their product you will be accepted into the elitist society in which you always aspired to be a part of. These advertisements are used when advertising most luxury items. Another approach is the Bandwagon effect. This approach preys on the keeping up with the Jones fear that most people possess. It also relates to the feeling that if it is good enough for the majority of my peers, it must be good enough for me. Finally, and perhaps the most unethical technique is the hidden fear approach. This technique preys on peoples fear to sell a product. It is most abused by the low involvement products. Deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo and other products that are easily substituted for by their competitors are extremely guilty for this type of advertising. A Deodorant commercial even went far enough to say if you did not use their product, you would be banished by society and forced to live the remainder of your life as a hermit. These hidden approaches are considered to be unethical by most experts in the field. These techniques incite irrational fears in people. The hidden fear approach still it remains as one of the most successful advertising techniques used. Another way in which one can examine advertising techniques is through the Association Principle. The Association Principle is summarized by Campbell as the association of a product with some cultural value or image that has a positive connotation but may have very little connection to the actual product. (Campbell 361) This is also a reason that people are distrustful toward advertisers. Using this principal in advertising is just another way in which people are tricked into believing that a product is something that it is not. Cigarettes, when sold in Newport advertisements, are associated with people who have bright white smiles, who are thin, and who are having the most amazing time. When in reality, smokers have a forty percent better chance of being depressed, ninety-five percent of smokers are over weight, and everybody knows that a smoking turns teeth yellow. This is just a small example of the association principle, but you can clearly see how it works. .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170 , .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170 .postImageUrl , .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170 , .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170:hover , .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170:visited , .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170:active { border:0!important; } .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170:active , .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170 .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udf5b369a9e93032deff00f8e132ff170:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Weather and Mood Essay In another example demonstrated in Campbell, The Gallo Wine Company advertised an entire line of wines featuring two older entrepreneurs as the owners of the Bartley Jaymes Company. This company was a total fabrication that the Gallo
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