Friday, November 29, 2019
3 More Rules for Producing Consistent Content
3 More Rules for Producing Consistent Content 3 More Rules for Producing Consistent Content 3 More Rules for Producing Consistent Content By Mark Nichol Here are a handful of tips that will help you produce clean, clear writing regardless of topic, intent, and audience. 1. Insert or Omit Hyphens as Needed Adjectival phrases that precede a noun, such as â€Å"free range†before chicken, generally take hyphens, though if the phrase is a standing phrase documented in dictionaries (as is â€Å"high school†), leave the hyphen out when using the phrase to modify a noun (â€Å"high school student†). Adverbial phrases such as â€Å"newly discovered†never take hyphens, but those with flat adverbs (those lacking the -ly ending), such as â€Å"well earned,†always do before (but not after) a noun. Most prefixes are attached directly to the root word (antiwar, cosponsor, deactivate, neoconservative, preapproved, reorganize, and so on), though there are exceptions (for example, when the root word is a proper name or when the first letter of the prefix is an i and the first letter of the root word is, too). When in doubt, look it up. When not in doubt, look it up anyway. A few compounds remain hyphenated. (Light-year and mind-set are two of the most common.) Learn these exceptions to the rule that compound nouns are either open or closed. 2. Minimize Jargon On a related note, when using specialized language, make sure that all content producers in your organization are in line with the definition and application of the terminology (and, again, publicize within the organization and document it) and that external consumers of your content understand it, too. But take care not to burden the reader with a heavy concentration of jargon; carefully manage a balance of authoritative language with clarity. Also, avoid using acronyms and initialisms unless readers are familiar with them or they are introduced in every document, on every web page, or in every email message- spelled out on first reference, followed by the parenthesized abbreviation. If feasible, provide a glossary of terms and abbreviations. 3. Avoid Adjective Stacks On a related note, avoid strings of adjectives that modify nouns; for example, reword â€Å"information technology risk management mitigation efforts†to â€Å"efforts to mitigate risks in managing information technology.†Find related tips in this post. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Fly, Flew, (has) FlownFlied?Acronym vs. InitialismWriting a Thank You Note
Monday, November 25, 2019
Dorudon - Facts and Figures
Dorudon - Facts and Figures Name: Dorudon (Greek for spear-toothed); pronounced DOOR-ooh-don Habitat: Seashores of North America, northern Africa and the Pacific Ocean Historical Epoch: Late Eocene (41-33 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 16 feet long and half a ton Diet: Fish and mollusks Distinguishing Characteristics: Small size; distinctive teeth; nostrils on top of head; lack of echolocation abilities  About Dorudon For years, experts believed that the scattered fossils of the prehistoric whale Dorudon actually belonged to juvenile specimens of Basilosaurus, one of the largest cetaceans that ever lived. Then, the unexpected discovery of unmistakably juvenile Dorudon fossils demonstrated that this short, stubby whale merited its own genusand may actually have been preyed on by the occasional hungry Basilosaurus, as evidenced by bite marks on some preserved skulls. (This scenario was dramatized in the BBC nature documentary Walking with Beasts, which portrayed Dorudon juveniles being gobbled up by their larger cousins). One thing that Dorudon shares in common with Basilosaurus is that both of these Eocene whales lacked the ability to echolocate, since neither of them possessed a characteristic melon organ (a mass of soft tissues that acts as a kind of lens for sound) in their foreheads. This adaptation appeared later in cetacean evolution, spurring the appearance of larger and more diverse whales that subsisted on a wider variety of prey (Dorudon, for instance, had to content itself with presumably slow-moving fish and mollusks).
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Ford Motor Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Ford Motor Company - Essay Example According to the essay findings the employees are considered the organization’s assets. They are provided with suitable job designations as per their expertise. The proper job specification helps the employees to perform well in their respective domains. There is an exhaustive training program being conducted for the employees in their respective designations with proper learning outcomes. The employees are provided with short-term objectives in their jobs and these are aligned with the long-term objective of the organization. The strengths of the employees are being focused with more emphasis on developing the area of expertise. The employees are even encouraged to track their weaknesses and convert one of their weaknesses to leverage necessary strength. The organization encourages the employees in particular domain to become the best in their domain. As the paper highlights the flat structure in the organization helps in developing a more efficient communication pro cess in the business and there is a transparent mode of communication process across the different functional areas of the organization. The successful operation of the Ford motors is explained by the fact that the integration of ideas from different domains and different areas and the smooth flow of ideas across domains has led the Ford Motors to implement its strategies developed by the top management successfully which explains the successful operation of the organization.... tion of ideas from different domains and different areas and the smooth flow of ideas across domains has led the Ford Motors to implement its strategies developed by the top management successfully which explains the successful operation of the organization. Besides, the organization has different incentive schemes available for the employees, which boost them to perform better in their work. The incentive scheme available to the employees is very lucrative and it promotes a healthy competition for them to perform better. Besides, the organization provides enough recreation facilities for the employees and the organization monitors the process that the employees are not getting stressed. The teamwork culture is given enough attention in the Ford Motors where the team leader promotes healthy work culture in the team and boosts every team member to perform to the best of his ability in the project at hand as per the objective of the organization. There is also a huge flexibility where the employees can communicate with the senior managers at any point of time regarding any job issues and the managers provide effective solutions to the employees and also provide them with feedback such that the employees can learn from the past mistakes and there is a huge room for improvement of their work. This guides the employees to perform better day by day and slowly they become efficient in their respective domain, which ultimately drives the organization to success. The work culture and the work environment boost up the work motivation for the employees. All these together promote the successful operation of the Ford Motors and helped them to become one of the leaders in the automotive industry across the globe. (Koontz & Weihrich, 2006, pp.287-289) Group Level: Leadership: The
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Distance Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Distance Learning - Essay Example Technology, especially computer and internet has significantly contributed in popularizing it. Distance learning has many advantages and disadvantages. The main benefit is that it enables learners to advance their knowledge without personally going to schools and other educational institutions. The internet has facilitated access to huge plethora of learning material. At the same time, various aspects of technology vis-à -vis video conferencing, virtual classroom etc. have made it hugely interactive thereby, delineating the need for physical attendance. Most importantly, it provides the working population or the dropouts to continue their education or higher education, as the case maybe, at their own pace and from any place across the globe. It has become a new approach or tool to widen one’s sphere of knowledge. It has also provided the academia to expand their interests across larger geographical area and make it easy for people to acquire education and skills to enhance their personal and professional scope. The key disadvantage is that learner is not able to interact personally with the teachers. For K-12 students, it might also have negative repercussions on their social skills and also adversely impact their health. Apart from that, it can also have large dropout rates as students would not be bound by any disciplinary actions to continue with their online lessons. Moreover, curriculum alignment, accreditation of teachers of course and appropriate supervision or meeting the needs of students with special needs would also be difficult to apply. Distant learning is good for those who are self motivated and have access to online resources and powerful interactive tools. Hence, I would need to be prepared to follow disciplined way of working online for enhancing my educational needs. I would opt for courses which offer high interaction and have efficient feedback system. I would stay
Monday, November 18, 2019
Novel Report on the game V Archery Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Novel Report on the game V Archery - Coursework Example To find the answer to this hypothetical question, the research has been done in a systematic process to find all the necessary data required to accept or reject the hypothesis. To do this, the research comes up with a points based location of the game target in which the various colors used in the target represent different accuracy levels of the game player, the archer. Highest scores are achieved when the archer aims at the middle of the target. The scores decrease as targets hit further from the middle of the target. The different colors used in the target represent different scores and an archer would want to aim the colors closest to the middle of the target possible to earn the highest points possible. The scores used include 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 10. The target is aimed using a track arrow, whose tip and direction is controlled by the player. Precision of the arrow is controlled by both TUI and effects of vibration (Hansard 1841). A player chooses the game using specified crit eria. The precision is influenced by a number of factors that include vibration, which increases precision according to the research results. Design Concept The design concept includes the research question, which brings out the hypothesis being proved or disapproved. The design concept also structures the tested idea of the game as well as the purpose of the experiment done on the game. The experiment was done to point out whether vibration effects increased the user precision through enhanced experience. Research question The research question extracts a general picture of the research including the objectives and hypothesis. The research question is used to guide the research through all steps in the experiment and report writing. The research question in this case is: Does the use of vibration improve the user experience and lead to better targeting? Research Objective The research objective is structured from the research question. The research objective provides guidance for w hatever has to be done. This includes the methodologies used, the data collected, and the techniques used in data analysis in order to obtain effective results. The objective of the research is: To find out whether the use of vibration improves the user experience and lead to better targeting Prototype The research uses a fixed process in order to obtain effective results about the relationship between vibration and improvement of vibration and the resulting effect on user experience and improved targeting. The prototype in this case is the V-archery game, which include the bows, the tracked arrows, the player (archers), the target, and location. The combination of all these components forms the v-archery game. The bows are used to exact pressure from where the track arrows are released to hit the game target (Klopsteg 1963). The player or archer achieves better target depending on his or her use of the bow and track arrows. The track arrow has a sharp tip used to hit the target but it is controlled by its tail. The precision of the arrow is mainly controlled by TUI and the vibration effect as the research finds out. The Prototyping Process The prototyping process includes the use of vibration within the game and the criteria used to choose the game. In the use of vibration in this game, a uniform vibration is first felt when the archer is aiming the game target. This
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Innocent Smoothies Customer Relationship
Innocent Smoothies Customer Relationship Although the smoothies market in the UK enjoyed a period of exceptionally strong growth of more than 150% between 2005 and 2007, this has now been stalled by the impact of the recent economic recession and consumers switching their loyalty to alternative, cheaper pure fruit drinks. As well as suffering from unfavourable economic conditions, smoothie manufactures have failed to convince UK consumers that the drinks are not full of calories and are not bad for their teeth, despite strong contradictory evidence from the British Nutrition Foundation (2008). The result of all of this is that the smoothies market declined by some 36% between 2007 and 2009 (Mintel Report Sales Brochure, 2010). The smoothie market is now showing signs of a fragile recovery and Mintel forecasts that improved economic conditions, together with the increased penetration of the childrens market, will see the smoothies sector returning to growth soon (Mintel Report Sales Brochure, 2010). 1.2 Background to Innocent From its founding vision of Europes favourite little juice company, Innocent has now moved on its goal to being the earths favourite little food company by 2030. This new vision encompasses food and not just drink and demonstrates how Innocent is moving in parallel with its customers desire for a whole range of fresh and natural foodstuffs (Innocent Drinks Annual Report, 2007). The brand leader in the smoothie market, Innocent, has largely been responsible for fuelling the growth in the market and despite the general market downturn, it still commands an 80% market share. However, Innocents market share has been boosted, not just by its own performance, but also by the decision taken by PepsiCo to remove its PJs smoothie brand in early 2009 (Mintel, 2010). 2.0 The Principles and Practice of Customer Relationship Management This CRM approach to business focuses on the retention of customers and the building of relationships with those customers. The concept of customer retention, as a lower cost option than a constant cycle of customer acquisition and loss, is a discipline that organisations have understood for many years (Rosenberg and Czepiel, 1984). However, some researchers have suggested there is a lack of evidence to support the quantifiable, financial benefits of customer retention (Dowling and Uncles, 1997). The notion of both retaining customers and enhancing customer relationships, in order to make them more durable and thus more profitable, has also been advocated by academics for some years (Berry, 1983). However, the idea of customer satisfaction as a function of relationship enhancement did not gain favour amongst theorists until the early 1990s (Crosby et al., 1990; Perrien and Ricard, 1995). The term customer relationship management (CRM) to describe an all embracing customer management system was not used until the mid-1990s in the information technology industry and was later described by Ryals and Payne (p.3, 2001) as information-enabled relationship marketing. The interchangeable nature of the terms customer relationship management and relationship marketing is now generally accepted (Zablah et al, p. 116, 2003). The successful implementation of CRM practises in the grocery retail sector has been well evidenced in the case of Tesco, which is the UKs leading supermarket chain. Its clubcard customer loyalty programme was first launched in 1995 and now has over seven million members (Tesco website, 2010). The scheme delivers a range of benefits to customers who shop both at Tescos stores and at its online supermarket and it also provides valuable market intelligence on shoppers purchasing habits, which feeds back into Tescos marketing planning process (Tesco website, 2010). This enables Tesco to deliver highly targeted and personalised communications via direct marketing which serves to further enhance the relationship with its customer base. A criticism frequently levelled at customer loyalty schemes is that they are not proven to foster loyalty nor do they deliver incremental sales and profits for an organisation (Dowling and Uncles, 1997). Tesco, however, has produced ample evidence that its loyalty scheme does indeed deliver on all of these counts (Humby et al, 2007). 3.0 Innocent drinks Customer Relationship Management Strategy Innocent has largely adopted a traditional approach to its marketing relying heavily on above-the-line promotion to build equity in its brand, which has been successful, as evidenced by its huge market share. Innocent has, however, dabbled in relationship marketing techniques in the past in order to attempt to increase the loyalty of its customers and encourage them to engage with the brand more. For an example, in August 2003, Innocent created Fruitstock, which was positioned as a free festival for nice people, the nice people in this case being Innocents customers. The event included live music and food stalls (Sahlman, 2004, p.8). Innocent spent nearly one third of its annual marketing budget on the first Fruitstock and repeated the event a year later when it attracted over 80,000 people (Sahlman, 2004, p.8) Commenting on the first Fruitstock, Richard Reed, Innocent co-founder, said, This event cost about  £200,000 to put on. At this point, I cant prove that it was a good investment. From a hard numbers perspective, maybe wed have been better off hiring new salespeople. But we are doing things that are hard to quantify. From a hard numbers perspective, why waste time on labels? There are important secondary benefits to things like Fruitstock: We had customers in the VIP area having a great day with their families. Employees could come with their family and friends. Its not just about advertising-it helps with recruiting, PR, and other areas. (Sahlman, 2004, p.8) Fruitstock has since been abandoned with Innocents CRM strategy now focussed on its website and associated newsletter which is sent to over 120,000 customers. However, Marketing Director at Innocent, Charlotte Rawlins, admits Were perhaps not as sophisticated in database management as wed like to be but we do realise the value of direct contact and are going to make our newsletters more personalised (Turner, 2008). Innocents only structured current CRM strategy is based on its family, which is basically an informal club for customers. The benefits of membership seem to be limited to the entitlement to receive a monthly electronic newsletter and the promise of invitations to special events (Innocent website, 2010). 4.0 The Marketing Audit A marketing audit is a formal and structured review of an organisations existing marketing activities and market environment. The diagram below shows the role of the marketing audit in the overall marketing process. Objectives Marketing Audit Analysis Feedback Planning Implementation Control Feedback Evaluation 4.2 PESTEL Analysis A PESTEL analysis is deployed to enable an organisation to examine the external macro-environment that it operates in, as follows (Gillespie, 2007). (P)olitical This refers to government policy in terms of the degree of intervention there is, if any, in the marketplace. In 2004 the Food Standards Agency in the UK positioned itself to tackle the obesity problem by stating that there was going to be a focus on convincing consumers to seek out healthier food options. It also demanded that the food and drinks industry supported it in this stance (Food Standards Agency, 2004). The Agency did, however, concede that the industry had already made some progress in offering consumers healthier options but urged retailers in the sector to see this as part of their corporate social responsibility and not just as a marketing strategy to gain more business. Government efforts to promote healthier eating through an increased intake of fruit and vegetables with its 5-a-day campaign has created an awareness level of 74% amongst consumers with 58% claiming that they have taken action as a direct result (Food Standards Agency, 2008). (E)conomic This includes such factors as interest rates, taxation changes, economic status and growth prospects, inflation and exchange rates. Interest rates continue to be at an all time low with correspondingly lower mortgage payments for most homeowners. However, unemployment, and the threat of unemployment, in both the private and public sectors, has reduced consumer confidence resulting in a curtailment of spending on higher priced, so called luxury items. (S)ocial This covers changes in social trends that can impact on consumer demand. The age profile of the UK population is getting older. Currently 37.9% of the UK population is aged 45 or more. By 2031 this is forecast to grow to 45.7% (Office for National Statistics, 2010). There is a definite cultural shift towards healthier eating in the UK. It is unlikely that we will ever put health before taste, but brands that manage to combine great taste with practicality as well as a positive health proposition, are in an ideal position to win full marks from the consumer'(Quick, p. 3, 2008) (T)echnological This examines how new technologies create new products and new processes. The ubiquitous internet and the rapid onward march of mobile electronic communications devices will increasingly influence the way consumers interact with, and buy, branded products. (E)nvironmental Environmental factors include the weather and climate change and how these may impact on the marketplace. Global warming and climate change are impacting on the UK. With a generally warmer climate in prospect for the future the soft drinks market (including smoothies) may stand to benefit from environmental conditions. (L)egal This covers the legal environment and framework within which the organisation and its competitors operate. There are no current legal issues that may impact on the market. 4.4 Porters Five Forces Porters Five Forces model allows an organisation to examine how its micro market operates (Porter, p.49, 1980) The Threat of New Entrants includes such issues as capital requirements; brand identity and reputation; access to distribution; expected response from existing market players. Innocent enjoys an 80% share of the UK Smoothies market so it is vulnerable to threats from new entrants. However, the newest entrant into the market and number two in terms of share, Tropicana, has made little headway despite the equity in its brand gained through its fruit juice products and despite a heavyweight promotional spend (Mintel, 2010). The Bargaining Power of Suppliers suppliers of everything from raw materials to expertise can exert pressure on a business in different ways. For example they could charge premium prices for a unique, high quality or difficult to obtain ingredient or service. Innocent sources its raw materials from thousands of farms all over the world so is not particularly vulnerable to the bargaining power of its suppliers. In fact the bargaining power tends to lie with Innocent itself. The Bargaining Power of Buyers this refers to the ability of customers to put pressure on a business to reduce its current prices and to not increase prices. This pressure can manifest itself in different ways such as consumers switching allegiance to other brands based on price sensitivity. Smoothies are sold at a premium price in the fruit juices market. The market for smoothies is very price sensitive particularly during difficult economic times when consumers are liable to seek out lower priced alternatives such as pure fruit drinks. The Threat of Substitute Products this threat relates to the propensity of consumers to switch, not necessarily just to direct competitors but also to substitute products. Substitute products, in the form of supermarket own labels, pose a significant threat to established brands in the smoothie marketplace. The leading brands, such as Innocent, are suffering from consumers switching to own label smoothie and fruit juice products, in the shorter term, due mainly to price considerations. The extent of this switch is evidenced by the fact that the large supermarkets now dominate the fruit juice drinks market with their own brands (Keynote, 2010). The growth of supermarket own label brands is having a big impact on the sale of manufacturer branded, fast-moving, consumer goods (Veloutsou et al., 2004). Supermarket own label brands are no longer just the lower quality and lower priced alternatives to manufacturer brands that they once were as, since the late 1990s, they have been offering a genuine quality option for consumers (Burt, 2000). Rivalry among Existing Businesses in the Marketplace this covers such factors as overall growth in the market sector; product differences; brand identity and reputation; the nature and diversity of competing businesses. Although the smoothies market in the UK enjoyed a period of exceptionally strong growth between 2005 and 2007, this has now been stalled by the impact of the recent economic recession and consumers switching their loyalty to alternative, cheaper pure fruit drinks (Mintel, 2010). Also, smoothies manufactures have failed to convince UK consumers that the drinks are not full of calories and are not bad for their teeth despite strong contradictory evidence from the British Nutrition Foundation (2008). 4.5 Changes in Consumer Behaviour The emergence of global brands, such as Coca-Cola and Apple, and the continuing globalisation of world markets, together with the introduction of new technologies, such as the internet, have all enabled consumers worldwide to interact more easily with the organisations from which they buy their products and services (Doole and Lowe, 2008). This, in turn, has fragmented many consumer markets and made them far more competitive than previously. Organisations have to increasingly recognise that the consumer is king in modern business and if they fail to satisfy those customers, organisations are unlikely to generate improved sales revenues and profits (Blackwell et al, p.10, 2001) Consumer behaviour patterns in the grocery retailing markets have evolved over the last twenty years and are continuing to change. For example, in the last few years government campaigns promoting healthy eating, such as the 5-a-day campaign, mean that consumers are more educated about the benefits of healthy options in their diet and are, consequently, increasingly demanding healthy food from their retailers. A quote taken from a report by Business Insights re-enforces this viewpoint: 80.6% of respondents agreed that over the next 5 years consumers will increase their uptake of functional health products, but will also continue to indulge. (Kemsley, 2006) 5.0 Proposals for Improving CRM 5.1 Intelligence gathering It has been seen that an integral part of effective CRM is customer satisfaction, which can ultimately lead to customer loyalty. However, for an organisation to truly be able to identify and satisfy the specific needs of its customers, it has to adopt one of the basic principles of market orientation namely, customer intelligence gathering (Kohli and Jaworski, 1990; Ruekert, 1992). The type of intelligence gathered should focus on customer feedback that gives the organisation insight into its market position vis-à -vis its competitors (Ruekert, 1992). The dissemination of the intelligence throughout the organisation is as important as the gathering process (Kohli and Jaworski, 1990). Apart from its family club here is little evidence to suggest that Innocent is operating an effective customer intelligence gathering system so it needs to consider this as part of its overall CRM programme. Innocent should conduct regular focus groups and surveys of its customers and potential customers to constantly monitor customer expectations, in terms of product quality and performance. 5.2 Helping Customers to Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle The PESTEL analysis has shown that the political and social environments are very much pro healthy eating and drinking habits and, consequently, are conducive to the growth of the smoothie market. Also, the Porters Five Forces analysis has demonstrated that consumers are not convinced about the health benefits of smoothies. In addition changing consumer behaviour patterns mean that consumers are now more educated about the benefits of consuming healthy products than ever before. At present, 100% pure fruit juices and smoothies count as only one portion in terms of the criteria laid down for 5-a-day, regardless of how much of either product is consumed (Ruxton, 2008). This is in spite of the fact that research has shown that that pure fruit and vegetable juices, such as those contained in smoothies, offer comparable health benefits to those of whole fruits and vegetables, (Ruxton et al., 2006). The Porters Five Forces analysis has also shown that consumers are generally not convinced of the health benefits of smoothies. So there is an opportunity for Innocent to help its customers better understand the health benefits of smoothies and, at the same time, lobby for their support in recognising the true value of smoothies in a 5-a-day regime. If customers could be persuaded to pledge their support through, for example, signing an online petition in favour of the proper recognition of the value of each portion of smoothies then this would not only galvanise support for the case for smoothies but also raise customers awareness levels of the health benefits of smoothies. Additionally it would serve to increase customer engagement with the innocent brand. This, together with the inclusion of general healthy lifestyle advice within the Innocent family newsletter, would all work in favour of customer satisfaction with the brand and could all positively influence loyalty. 5.3 Promoting Loyalty through Customer Segmentation Changing consumer behaviour has been shown to have fragmented markets and intensified competition and the smoothies market is not immune to this trend. This is further evidenced by the Porters Five Forces analysis, which indicates that the smoothies market is facing intense competition from substitute products, in the shape of lower priced, pure fruit juices and supermarket own brand smoothies. In times of intense competition, customer loyalty programmes are often introduced in order to improve customer retention rates through the provision of rewards for customers or certain segments of customers (Bolton and Ockenfels, 2000). Although loyalty programmes have their critics research has shown that they can increase brand loyalty and profit (Caminal and Matutes 1990; Kim et al., 2001). The PESTEL analysis has also revealed that the UK population profile is forecast to shift increasingly to the over 45s. Innocent currently has little resonance with this market (Mintel, 2010) and consequently needs to engage with existing and potential customers in this age group. By targeting this market, Innocent will be able to grow its market share outside of its traditional core audience, which is the market segment in which there is the most intense competition. Innocent should, therefore, consider developing a smoothie drink especially for the over 45s, which would have a formula made up of ingredients that have specific health benefits for this particular audience. Research has shown that the over 45s are increasingly conscious of their health needs and are seeking out the so called magic foods which include berries, almonds, and ginger (Starling, 2010). Innocent could easily manufacture a smoothie for this market containing such ingredients, which are natural and would not compromise its commitment to using 100% natural ingredients. Innocent could then also segment its CRM programme by specifically addressing these customers in its direct marketing activity and it could create a special family of over 45s within its existing overall customer family. By producing a separate newsletter for this audience, with unique and relevant content and incentives, Innocent could, for the first time, start to build relationships with the over 45 age group. 6.0 Summary and Conclusions The smoothies market experienced dramatic growth up until 2007 when the impact of the worldwide economic recession brought the market to a halt. Innocent has retained its market share and continues to be the dominant player albeit in a market that has suffered from declining sales for the last three years. Innocent has achieved its dominance primarily through heavyweight promotional support for its brand. However, this strategy alone is no longer enough to sustain the business in a changed world of fragmented and globalised markets where consumers demand more from their brands. The marketplace is well set to work in Innocents favour, however, with the UK government being committed to improving the health of the nation and consumers themselves having become more educated about the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. Nonetheless, consumer scepticism about just how healthy smoothies really are is currently restricting growth of the market. Also, the ongoing tough economic situation is ca using some consumers to switch from the premium priced, manufacturer- branded drinks to more affordable supermarket own brands and to other products, such as pure fruit juice drinks, which consumers perceive as having similar health benefits. So there is a big task ahead for the Innocent brand inasmuch as it needs to persuade its customers of the true health benefits of its products. There is a precedent for the implementation of an effective CRM programme in the grocery retail sector in the shape of Tescos Clubcard. For Innocent, it is proposed that a much expanded CRM programme could help alleviate the negative effects of the current market conditions that are working against its growth objectives. These health giving benefits are probably the most important attribute that smoothies possess and Innocent, as market leader, needs to demonstrate its leadership qualities by engaging in more meaningful relationships with its customers and persuading them of the healthy nature of its products and campaigning with them for a greater recognition of this factor in the political environment. It is also important for Innocent to broaden its product appeal and establish meaningful and durable relationships with a market sector it h as failed to penetrate to date, namely the over 45s age group. Underpinning any successful CRM initiative is the gathering of customer intelligence. Innocent needs to invest in this area by conducting more research with its customers using tools such as paper based and online surveys and focus groups, in order to truly understand trends in the marketplace, the nature of its customers buying behaviour and, most importantly, how its customers relate to the Innocent brand. Only by doing this can Innocent construct and implement a CRM programme that will have resonance with its customers, and potential customers, and will, consequently, deliver an opportunity for deeper, more meaningful and mutually beneficial customer relationships.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The World is Too Much With Us by William Wordsworth Essay -- William W
The World is Too Much With Us by William Wordsworth In William Wordsworth's 'The World is Too Much With Us,' this poem heeds warning to his generation. This warning is that they are losing sight of what is actually important in this world: nature and God. To some people both of these are the same thing ' if lacking appreciation for the natural gifts of God is not sin enough, we add to it the insult of pride for our rape of His land' (Wordsworth). With his words, Wordsworth makes this message perpetual and everlasting. William Wordsworth loved nature and based many of his poems on it. He uses very strong diction to get his point and feelings across. This poem expresses Wordsworth's feeling about nature and religion containing a melodic rhythm (Wordsworth). Each line and each word were chosen very carefully to express his thoughts and feelings. His references to God and Greek Gods catch the reader's eye to find out why he connects God to nature (Gill). His soft tones and harsh words make the reader feel and see what the speaker do es. This relatively simple poem angrily states that human beings are too preoccupied with the material and have lost touch with the spiritual and with nature. The first part, the octave, of "The World Is Too Much with Us" begins with Wordsworth accusing the modern age of having lost its connection to nature and everything meaningful: "Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers; /Little we see in Nature that is ours; /We have given our ...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Developing the Employee, Developing the Company ¾
The world of business is changing everyday. New trends, new markets, and new ideas open to a more competitive business setting, requiring companies to keep themselves at par with the others. One way for companies to do this is to support professional continuing education for their employees.However, given hectic schedules, corporate deadlines, and the steep price tag attached to professional continuing education, many employees think twice before taking up professional coursesâ€â€but not when companies are willing to help. To compete, companies must open themselves to professional development strategies for their employees which can be made possible through educational funding and time management support.It is understandable for some firms to feel uncomfortable about spending for their employees’ college tuition fees. For one, manpower piracy is a reality in business and when this happens to an employee whose education was funded by the company, it is an automatic loss for the firm.Also, employees may not be able to balance work and education at the same time; and when the employee loses grip on either of the two it is the company who loses in the end. Still, strategic planning and compromise can help the company help the employees with their desire to continue their education while overcoming these fears and risks.In a survey done in Boston, more companies are again willing to pay for their employees’ continuing college education after the trend declined years back. (DeMarco, 2005) This is not surprising. Now, more than ever, companies know that professional education gives a holistic effect to their companies.While uplifting the lives of employees through education, companies receive a lot of perks and privileges just by sending their employees to school again.Multiple BenefitsStrategic funding of professional education among employees allows them to take courses for free or at a discounted rate, making them feel good about working in their firms and attracting them to stay. They also receive new ideas, new experiences, and get to mingle with new people who can help them excel in their fields.Education also protects them within the competitive employment world where younger, more skilled workers are entering everyday. But employees are not only the ones who benefit from these educational programs. Companies are likewise positively affected.DeMarco (2005) states that companies who offer professional development programs such as tuition fee reimbursement, tuition fee funding, or tuition fee discounting are more attractive to applicants than those companies who do not have similar programs.In effect, employees are also more likely to stay in these companies and not think of jumping to another firm who does not offer professional development packages. Most importantly, companies improve their stand in the business world when they help their employees develop themselves.Theories change, practices change, and industries chan ge. Employees who continue their education as professionals bring to the company new ideas and skills that are useful for the company to move forward and face growing competition.The article Six Ways to Encourage Employee Development (2007) agrees to this, saying that the best benefit that a company can get on funding their employees’ education is the expertise, which can be cost-effective for the company sooner or later.By helping employees attain professional courses, the company creates a pool of in-house knowledge that is easily accessible for the company at less cost because the company will no longer need to subscribe to outsourcing services. In the end, the company benefits from the lead it can take in terms of market trends.ApprehensionsBut then again companies may not fully subscribe to the idea of retention through continuing education. Anything can happen, so to speak. Employees can suddenly quit their jobs, switch employers, fail the course, or lose the balance be tween work and school. Again, strategic planning is the answer.Companies can offer educational funding while protecting their interests on the side. To begin with, firms should know exactly what type of courses should be funded and it follows that these should be courses that will be useful for the operation of the company.The company should also assess their ability to fund the program, and identify if full reimbursement, discounting, or upfront funding will be workable for both the employee and the employer. It is also important to set conditions such as a holding period for the employee after his education has been funded, or a grade requirement to determine the percentages of the funding that may be given.(Establishing a tuition reimbursement program, 2007) This can solve much of the dilemma that a company may have in supporting professional continuing education for their employees.Time ManagementWhen a company finally decides to offer funding for the professional continuing edu cation of their employees, the responsibility does not stop in the finances. School can take considerable time and effort from students, especially for adults who have work and familial responsibilities. All three roles can be physically and emotionally demanding, if not draining.On the other hand, it is understandable for companies to expect good results from these studying workers. Besides, they are hired to work for the company so they must perform impressively at work; and they are assisted in their professional education so they should also bring in good grades. But companies should also understand the difficulty of maintaining an everyday balance between work and school life among other things.Thus, it is helpful for companies to offer these studying employees options in handling work, school, and their personal lives. Flexible working hours, telecommuting options, and minor exceptions to work attendance regulations when needed such as during examination periods can do so much for an employee to manage his time.In doing so, the employees are in top shape at work and school, and still have time for his personal responsibilities. It will also then be right for the company to demand good performance from the employee on both aspects. (Establishing a tuition reimbursement program, 2007)An InvestmentOffering tuition fee funding schemes and time leniency to employees can take a lot of effort from companies, and there are also a lot of risks. However, employers can rest assured that with a strategically planned education plan for their employees, every dollar is well spent.While it is not a requirement for companies to offer such privilege to employees, it helps them build a good reputation and allows them to invest in something that will never fail.Education is a good investment that benefits the employee-students and the company as well. While education can require a large sum of money and patience in the part of employers especially when the studying employe e is caught between a school and a work deadline, the company will surely benefit. And as with good investments, the rewards are in the end.ReferencesDeMarco,P. 2005. Companies pick up college tab. Retrieved May 9, 2007, from a tuition reimbursement program. 2007. Retrieved May 9, 2007, from ways to encourage employee development. 2007. Retrieved May 9, 2007, from
Friday, November 8, 2019
A Rhetorical Analysis of Claude McKays Africa
A Rhetorical Analysis of Claude McKay's Africa In this critical essay, student Heather Glover offers a concise rhetorical analysis of the sonnet Africa by Jamaican-American writer Claude McKay. McKays poem originally appeared in the collection Harlem Shadows (1922). Heather Glover composed her essay in April 2005 for a course in rhetoric at Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah, Georgia. For definitions and additional examples of the rhetorical terms mentioned in this essay, follow the links to our Glossary of Grammatical Rhetorical Terms. Africas Loss of Grace by Heather L. Glover Africa1 The sun sought thy dim bed and brought forth light,2 The sciences were sucklings at thy breast;3 When all the world was young in pregnant night4 Thy slaves toiled at thy monumental best.5 Thou ancient treasure-land, thou modern prize,6 New peoples marvel at thy pyramids!7 The years roll on, thy sphinx of riddle eyes8 Watches the mad world with immobile lids.9 The Hebrews humbled them at Pharaohs name.10 Cradle of Power! Yet all things were in vain!11 Honor and Glory, Arrogance and Fame!12 They went. The darkness swallowed thee again.13 Thou art the harlot, now thy time is done,14 Of all the mighty nations of the sun. Keeping with Shakespearean literary tradition, Claude McKay’s â€Å"Africa†is an English sonnet relating the short but tragic life of a fallen heroine. The poem opens with a lengthy sentence of paratactically arranged clauses, the first of which states, â€Å"The sun sought thy dim bed and brought forth light†(line 1). Referencing scientific and historical discourses on humanity’s African origins, the line alludes to Genesis, in which God brings forth light with one command. The adjective dim demonstrates Africa’s unlighted knowledge prior to God’s intervention and also connotes the dark complexions of Africa’s descendants, unspoken figures whose plight is a recurrent subject in McKay’s work. The next line, â€Å"The sciences were sucklings at thy breasts,†establishes the poem’s female personification of Africa and lends further support to the cradle of civilization metaphor introduced in the first line. Mother Africa, a nurturer, raises and encourages the â€Å"sciences,†actions that foreshadow another brightening of the world to come in the Enlightenment. Lines 3 and 4 also evoke a maternal image with the word pregnant, but return to an indirect expression of the African and African-American experience: â€Å"When all the world was young in pregnant night / Thy slaves toiled at thy monumental best.†A subtle nod to the difference between African servitude and American slavery, the lines complete an encomium of Africa’s success before the advent of â€Å"new peoples†(6). While McKay’s next quatrain does not take the drastic turn reserved for the final couplet in Shakespearean sonnets, it clearly indicates a shift in the poem. The lines transform Africa from enterprise’s champion to its object, thereby placing the Mother of Civilization into an antithetically lower position. Opening with an isocolon that stresses Africa’s changing positionâ€Å"Thou ancient treasure-land, thou modern prize†the quatrain continues to demote Africa, placing agency in the hands of â€Å"new peoples†who â€Å"marvel at thy pyramids†(5-6). As the cliched expression of rolling time suggests the permanency of Africa’s new condition, the quatrain concludes, â€Å"thy sphinx of riddle eyes / Watches the mad world with immobile lids†(7-8). The sphinx, a mythical creature often used in caricatures of Egyptian Africa, kills anyone who fails to answer its difficult riddles. The image of a physically and intellectually challenging monster risks undermining the gradual degradation of Africa that is the poem’s theme. But, if unpacked, McKay’s words reveal his sphinx’s lack of power. In a demonstration of anthimeria, the word riddle acts not as a noun or verb, but as an adjective that invokes the sense of perplexity usually associated with riddles or to riddle. The sphinx, then, does not invent a riddle; a riddle makes a confused sphinx. The â€Å"immobile lids†of the dazed sphinx frame eyes that do not detect the mission of the â€Å"new people; the eyes do not move back and forth to keep the strangers in constant sight. Blinded by the activity of the â€Å"mad world,†a world both busy and crazed with expansion, the sphinx, Africa’s representative, fails to see its imminent destru ction. The third quatrain, like the first, begins by retelling a moment of Biblical history: â€Å"The Hebrews humbled them at Pharaoh’s name†(9). These â€Å"humbled people†differ from the slaves mentioned in line 4, proud slaves that â€Å"toiled at thy monumental best†to construct an African heritage. Africa, now without the spirit of her youth, succumbs to a lowly existence. After a tricolonic list of attributes linked with conjunctions to convey the magnitude of her former excellenceâ€Å"Cradle of Power! [†¦] / Honor and Glory, Arrogance and Fame!†Africa is undone with one short, plain phrase: â€Å"They went†(10-12). Lacking the elaborate style and obvious devices contained throughout the poem, â€Å"They went†powerfully understates Africa’s demise. Following the pronouncement is another declarationâ€Å"The darkness swallowed thee again†that connotes discrimination of Africans based upon their skin color and th e failure of their â€Å"dark†souls to reflect the light offered by the Christian God in line 1. In a final blow to Africa’s once shining image, the couplet offers a scathing description of her present state: â€Å"Thou art a harlot, now thy time is done, / Of all the mighty nations of the sun†(13-14). Africa thus seems to fall on the wrong side of the virgin mother/tainted whore dichotomy, and the personification formerly used to sing her praises now condemns her. Her reputation, however, is saved by the couplet’s inverted syntax. If the lines read â€Å"Of all the mighty nations of the sun, / Thou art the harlot, now thy time is done,†Africa would be rendered a wayward woman worthy of scorn because of her licentiousness. Instead, the lines state, â€Å"Thou art the harlot, [†¦] / Of all the mighty nations of the sun.†The couplet suggests that Europe and America, nations enjoying the Son and the â€Å"sun†because they are predominantly Christian and scientifically advanced, pimped Africa in their quests to own her. In a clever positioning of words, then, McKay’s Africa does not fall from grace; grace is snatched from Africa. Work Cited McKay, Claude. Africa.†Harlem Shadows: The Poems of Claude McKay. Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1922. 35.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Best Currency Exchange Methods for Every Situation
The Best Currency Exchange Methods for Every Situation SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’re planning a trip to another country, you’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking about the airline you’ll fly, the hotel or AirBnB you’ll stay in, the food you’ll eat, and the fun new things you’ll get to experience. You might not, on the other hand, have thought too much about how you’ll get money on your trip. Despite the fact that currency conversion is a decidedly less interesting travel topic than the best place to go zip-lining, it’s important to understand the costs associated with changing money. Currency exchange requires some time and effort, so it’s necessary to plan ahead or you risk getting stuck with heavy fees. In this article, I’ll cover the basics of how currency exchange works and what you should consider when deciding where and how to change money. How Currency Conversion Works If you’re traveling, sending money to another country, or buying, selling, or trading foreign currency, you’ll need to change your money from one currency to another in a transaction called a currency exchange. Currency exchange tells you what one country’s money is worth in terms of another country’s money. All currencies have different values, which change daily based on different factors like inflation, economic stability, and interest rates. When you exchange currency, you’re trading in a certain amount of money in one currency for the equivalent amount of money in another currency. Currency exchange rates aren’t fixed. Rather, they’re constantly changing. The rate at which you exchange two currencies one day may be different than the rate at which you exchange the same two currencies the next day. Because currency exchange rates change so often, it’s important to understand the best ways to buy, sell, and trade currencies so you get the best deal. Factors to Consider for Currency Exchange There are a lot of fees associated with currency conversion. Read on to learn the three factors that affect currency exchange fees so you can make sure you’re getting the best deal. #1: Explicit Fees Most methods that you’ll use to exchange money will come with a set, explicit fee. You can think about this fee as the cost of doing the business of currency exchange. For instance, you may have to pay a $30 fee to wire money from your bank to a foreign bank. Or, you may be charged a 1% fee to convert your currency at an airport currency exchange teller. Consider these fees when deciding where to exchange your money. A 1% fee may sound more attractive than a flat dollar amount, but could add up to more if you’re exchanging large amounts of money. #2: Conversion Rate Conversion rates almost always differ from the wholesale currency exchange rate. So, for instance, if the wholesale market is charging $1.10 USD per one euro, a bank or currency exchange company like Travelex may charge $1.105 or $1.110 USD per one euro. Again, while this deviation in conversion rate may seem small, it adds up, particularly if you’re exchanging a large amount of money. #3: Convenience The idea of convenience is more nebulous than conversion rates or explicit fees. Convenience is basically the value of your time and effort to exchange money. For instance, if your current bank charges $1.110 USD per one euro, and a different bank charges $1.105 per one euro, it’s probably not worth it to go to the different bank just to save $0.005. Similarly, you need to consider how accessible currency exchange is where you live. If your local bank will exchange currency, that's a solid option. However, if you need to travel three hours out of your way to find a bank that'll change your money, you may just want to wait to change money at the airport. You’ll want to weigh the value of comfort, ease, and convenience versus actual monetary savings. Best Currency Conversion Options In this section, I’ll detail the top currency exchange options for a number of different situations. Best Foreign Exchange Options While Traveling If you’re traveling, you’ll want to make sure changing currency is cheap and convenient. The best option is to withdraw cash as you go on your trip from ATMs. In this section, I’ll describe the most common currency exchange options for travelers. ATMs The most cost efficient way to exchange money in a foreign country is to withdraw money from an ATM. If you have a commonly accepted ATM card, like a Visa or Mastercard, you can likely withdraw money from a foreign ATM while traveling. ATMs are highly prevalent throughout the world and any country that receives even a small number of foreign tourists will have ATMs at least in the airport that you can withdraw cash from. However, there are some downsides to withdrawing from a foreign ATM. First, you can be slapped with fees if you withdraw from a foreign ATM. In addition to a small flat fee for using the ATM in the first place, you’ll likely have a foreign transaction fee that adds between 1-5% to the total amount of your withdrawal. Consider opening an account at a bank like Charles Schwab, for instance, that doesn't charge international transaction fees. Second, it can be difficult to find ATMs that accept U.S. debit cards in some places. While the vast majority of countries with tourists have numerous options for withdrawing cash, some rural or less well-traveled areas may not have cash readily available. You may want to bring some with you, just in case, or withdraw a larger amount when you do visit an ATM so you don't get stuck. Airport Kiosks Airport kiosks are convenient, ubiquitous, and, often, a huge ripoff. Airport kiosks often offer poor exchange rates and high fees for exchanging cash. However, you can use them as a last resort if you need cash on hand when you enter a country. Normally, you can either bring cash to exchange or withdraw cash from your ATM debit or credit card. If you have your ATM card with you, I'd recommend visiting an ATM rather than withdrawing from an airport kiosk. Credit Cards Credit cards are a solid option for paying for things you buy abroad without cash. There are tons of travel credit cards out there that don't charge international transaction fees, so if you can get one of those, I'd recommend using your credit card as much as possible. You can also commonly withdraw cash as a cash advance from your credit card. However, most credit cards charge cash advance fees and higher interest rates on cash withdrawals. If you decide to use your credit card abroad, I'd stick to using it on credit card transactions and withdraw money with your debit card instead. Cash Conversion Banks and credit unions often offer the most favorable conversion rates and limited to no fees if you exchange with a teller. Banks and credit unions, however, often exchange only widely used and popular currencies, such as the peso or the euro. If you’re looking for a less common currency, you might not be able to conduct a currency exchange at your bank. Before going to your bank, be sure to look up their currency exchange policies online or speak to a representative over the phone. You want to confirm that your branch a) actually offers currency conversion services, and b) carries the currency you need. Best Foreign Exchange Options for Sending Money to a Foreign Country Sending money to a foreign country can be expensive, with lots of hidden fees. In general, your best options are wire or online transfers, which often have flat fees. You can also use PayPal or Western Union if you have to, which charge a percentage fee. Wire/Online Transfers Wire transfers, which you can make in person or over the phone at a bank, or online transfers, which you can make using your online banking account, are the best options for sending money abroad. Most banks and credit unions only charge a small flat fee for wire transfers (typically between $15 - $30), so if you’re moving a large amount of money, you’ll save on fees by transferring directly from your bank. Wire and online transfers also allow you to transfer more money at one time than using a third party service like PayPal or Western Union. If you’re sending money to a foreign bank, you’ll need information from the recipient, including the name and address of their financial institution, as well as a SWIFT or IBAN number. PayPal PayPal is a solid option for transferring money to foreign accounts, but does come with more fees than most wire or online transfers. For transactions under $3,000, you’ll pay a 2.9% fee, plus a $0.30 per transaction charge. Larger transfers incur less of a fee, but are more restricted. If you want to make a larger transaction, you’ll have to go through additional identity verification steps. Western Union Western Union charges a flat rate for transferring money to another account. Their fees are typically higher than those at most banks and credit unions. You’ll also be charged an exchange rate on transfers made on international funds. Unfortunately, most Western Union foreign transactions don’t receive a favorable exchange rate. Best Foreign Exchange Options for Currency Trading Currency trading is a complicated, fast-paced business. If you’re looking for a forex broker, consider one of the following options. Oanda Oanda is a strong trading platform that offers a large selection of currency pairs (90+). Oanda is friendly to newer traders, as it has a $0 account minimum and no requirements for minimum trade lot. Oanda also had the lowest spread markup on commissions across the seven major currency pairs. Ameritrade TD Ameritrade is the leader in currency exchange, with an unmatched selection of currency pairs and lots of tools for investors. Trades will be subject to commissions, however, and TD Ameritrade has an account minimum of $2,000. Best Options for Buying and Selling Foreign Cash in the US Back from your trip with lots of foreign cash still in hand? Consider these methods for buying and selling foreign currency in the United States. Your Bank Banks will likely offer you the best deal on buying back currency, but may not buy back all types of currency. Airport Kiosks If your bank won’t buy back your money, airport kiosks will buy almost all types of currency. But, you probably won’t get a great exchange rate, but at least you won’t be stuck with cash you can’t use! Current Currency Exchange Rates Check out the chart below for current currency exchange rates, as well as the current currency exchange rate at Travelex. Note, rates are constantly changing. I included these so you could see how the Travelex rate differs from the stated daily exchange rate. Currency Exchange Rate ($1 USD =) Travelex Rate Canadian Dollar 1.3274 1.1757 Mexican Peso 18.00027 15.9987 European Euro 0.8934 0.8146 British Pound 0.7814 0.7141 Chinese Yuan 6.84 6.0283 Japanese Yen 111.28 98.9324 Australian Dollar 1.32 1.1639 Russian Ruble 59.45 49.9108 Swiss Franc 0.9693 0.8741 South African Rand 12.91 11.1990 In Summary Changing money can be a complicated, but necessary process. If you’re exchanging your currency, you’ve got a number of different options, depending on how much money you need and which currency you’re exchanging. Be sure to do your research or risk getting saddled with unexpected and hefty extra fees.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Questions for Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Questions for Discussion - Essay Example Essentially, some companies believe that if they tell applicants the realistic job information, the applicants will not want the job. This approach of hiring employees without giving them a through understanding of what they are getting themselves into can backfire (Jean & Stanley 2011, p.121). When employees are hired and later find out that the job information was unrealistic, most of them will eventually leave the job. The costs of filling these positions include the cost of employing new employees, training costs, advertising costs and labor hours lost, thus making this process expensive. Giving realistic information about a job will attract only the interested candidates, thus reducing the staff turnover and in the long run reducing the costs of filling vacant positions. Companies need to focus on both the skills and motivation of the job applicants; an individual may have the job skills, but without motivation, he/she may not be interested with job (Packard, 2001). This approac h will enable the recruiter to get the suitable applicants by observing and listening to their reactions and responses; once the hiring team presents the realistic information about the job. An applicant may see the job as a source of experience and after sometimes he/she will move into another career; such an applicant may not be the best for the job. There are applicants who will respond positively about the job; it will be wise to choose prospective employees from this group (Packard, 2001). Employers expect the applicants to give realistic information about their qualifications, skills, and work experience and use various ways to get the information from the applicants. Employers also need to give realistic job information to the applicants; honesty and trust will be the best policy (Jean & Stanley 2011, p.122). A well structured and transparent recruitment system may significantly reduce the rate of staff turnover, which are experienced within the first three months of employme nt, the period where both the employee and the company are typically on a probationary period. For example, Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, has 55,000 employees and hires an average of 200 people per day; while hiring, the firm employs realistic job previews. Applicants view a film illustrating the working conditions at Disney, before completing an application or an interview. After viewing the film, 10 percent of applicants eliminate themselves from the hiring process. Disney observes this as a good thing, as those self-selecting themselves out most likely would not have been an excellent fit with the organization. Honesty in the recruitment process may result to positive remarks about the company; the applicants will regard the company positively thus enhancing the company’s public image (Jean & Stanley 2011, p.124). # 2 There are key disadvantages of this recruitment approach. First, provision of realistic job information may prompt candidates to eliminate themselves voluntarily from consideration for a certain job. For this reason, it is normally assumed that such information will decrease the number of prospective employees who eventually accept the job. However, stiff competition for new workers may diminish the probability that realistic job information will become an essential part of a company’s recruiting efforts. Despite the confidence that this approach will reduce the probability of job acceptance, various analysis and reviews, of the literature of realistic job pre
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Why was World War One a necessary war for the United States Essay
Why was World War One a necessary war for the United States - Essay Example According to the lecture notes, the WWI was inevitable because â€Å"it protested our trade and alliances as well as stopping a super power from taking over (Lecture notes, October 21, 2013).†Several factors contributed to the inception of WWI, whereby some of them were key and necessary for the USA to join besides protecting their interests in various regions globally as a super power. Germans were the central factors that prompted the inception of the war. Before the WWI, Germany employed diverse ways intended to enhance communism in the USA neighboring regions, which the latter felt there was a launched threat that entailed immediate action. Germany directly attacked USA allies using distractive communists’ movements during that time. USA during then could not stand seeing Germany taking over states where it had invested its interests. For instance, colossal amount of money that the state had parted with to ensure its allies succeeded in subduing their adversaries ( October 23, 2013). This prompted the USA to engage in WWI besides it being a strong anticommunist state that ensured the progress of democracy. This could have degraded the trustworthiness of the US military. According to Mooney, the American government had the obligation to fight and â€Å"†¦.make the world safe for democracy (Mooney, 83).†USA also had in mind how it had gave its allies colossal amount of money. The 2.3 billion cash was very vital for the communities that owed the USA. According to lecture notes, â€Å"allies war debt to American bankers. Ninety nine percent of the money load to Allies, if Allies lose the war, America would not get the money back (lecture notes October 23, 2013). Therefore, WWI could act as a stumbling block in enabling allies to repay what they got from US. According to Mooney, American investors worried they might lose the money loaned to Allies if the Central Powers won the war (Mooney, 80). Under this circumstance, the United Stat e of America found it vital in securing the amounts of money that the allies would release to them by engaging their adversary. The shipping business, which USA during then undertook was also a factor that prompted it to decide waging fierce battle against communists. The United States of America during then was increasingly gaining naval strength, hence trying its best to prevent the entry of some unwanted merchandise into the county, which were basically weapon and military items. They were also using the shipping activities to import and export food items within the country. These actions would hinder the supply of essential commodities to the United States. According to Senator George, â€Å"the enormous profits of munitions manufacturers†during then was to extent US market and other similar networks (Senator George, 4 April 1917).†On the contrary, Germans were trying to block the entry of boats into Britain. This moved the United States of America to wage war aga inst them, which was an apparent reason why the USA resolved to join the WWI in 1917. This is because Germans were interfering with USA’s economic progress as well as security system. Hence, Germans actions being a threat the policy of Franklin Delano, which was to protect security systems of United States of America. During the period of the WWI, there was a quest for power among the nations. Each nation wanted to be the controller in some extent. Therefore, USA being in a position of superpower supported other nations in different ways, which gave them enormous prestige. According to Thomas J. Fleming, US was supplying some of the big powers with ammunition approximating â€Å".40 percent of their war materielâ€
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